Using Rtorrent - Entware/Entware GitHub Wiki


Rtorrent is a lightweight console BitTorrent client. It's in active development more then 10 years and show better performance then TransmissionBT. This how-to describes how to use it with rutorrent to get uTorrent-like web interface.

rutorrent WebUI


  • No lighttpd/rtorrent/rutorrent packages was installed before, previous configs may interfere with new ones.
  • (Optional) ability to open some TCP/UDP ports to control rtorrent from internet and\or to simplify peers connections.


We prepared a packages, which simplifies installation and configuration rtorrent and it's WebUI:

opkg install lighttpd-mod-authn_file rtorrent-easy-install

Script will ask you some basic questions about desired configuration:

#### Welcome to rtorrent easy installation script!
We assuming no lighttpd/rtorrent/rutorrent was installed before!
Please, answer a few question to configure torrent client.
Default aswers given in [brackets], just hit Enter to accept it.
Type "username:password" if you want to protect Web UI or hit Enter to leave password protection disabled []: yourusername:yourpassword ENTER
Which port should be used by web interface? [81]: ENTER (it's better to leave it 81)
Enter (maximal) download speed in KB/s [2048]: ENTER or 0 (zero) for unlimited download speed
Enter (maximal) upload speed in KB/s [2048]: ENTER or 0 (zero) for unlimited upload speed
Enter folder name on USB drive where torrent content should be stored [/opt/torrents]: /mnt/sda1/rutorrent ENTER (or other path on your system)
Done! You may open 51411-51412 TCP/UDP ports on your router to facilitate uploading/donwloading. It's not necessary but recommended.
Rutorrent web UI will be available at following URL: http://router-ip-address:81/rutorrent
Do you wish to start torrent client? [y]: ENTER
Starting lighttpd... done.
Starting rtorrent... done.

Open ports (optional):

iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 51411 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -p udp --destination-port 51412 -j ACCEPT

Using rTorrent

Open WebUI http:<device IP>:81/rutorrent and control download jobs.


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️