Using Pyload - Entware/Entware GitHub Wiki


Pyload is a full featured download manager for many One-Click-Hoster, container formats like DLC, video sites or just plain http/ftp links.


It's strongly recommended to run it on devices with 128MB+ RAM and swap file. Pyload is written in Python and consumes quite big amount of RAM. The killer feature of pyload is download files from share hostings like Megaupload or Use other download tools if you are don't need it.


opkg install pyload duktape python-crypto python-imglib tesseract



pyload --configdir=/opt/var/pyload

and answer a few basic questions about desired configuration. If you are not sure, just hit Enter. Please, choose threaded backend type when pyload will ask for server type.

Using Pyload

Start pyload:

/opt/etc/init.d/S51pyload start

and open http://<device IP>:8000 after couple of minutes. First start of pyload is quite long, it will refresh existing plugins and restart.


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️