Using Aria2 - Entware/Entware GitHub Wiki


Aria2 is a lightweight HTTP/HTTPS, FTP/SFTP, BitTorrent, Metalink command-line download utility.


  • (Optional) ability to open some TCP/UDP ports to control Aria2 from internet and improve connections between BT peers.


opkg install aria2
/opt/etc/init.d/S81aria2 start

Using Aria2

By default, Aria2 is configured to start as a daemon, download any content to /opt/var/aria2/torrents, listen RPC control port 6800, which can be accessed with Passw0rd token. You can change this settings in /opt/etc/aria2.conf if necessary.

No need to host Aria2 WebUI on device, you may use one of the following WebUI, just open it by your favorite browser:

Enter device IP and token in WebUI settings and control download jobs as you wish.
