Functional and Non Functional Requirements - Entropic-Visio/swe-pioneers GitHub Wiki

Functional Requirements

1. Population Reports

Role: The feature crafts clear reports that outline how dense populations are in various locales—like continents, regions, and nations. It reveals the share of these groups living in urban or rural zones. The Value: This clarifies for users the spread of people and city growth trends worldwide. Hence, firms can better map out needed goods, help, and plans.

2.User Authentication

Its Function: A login with a user name plus password is key before one can add to, edit, or cut data from our system. We thus allow only those with rights to tweak the content. Why Vital: Secures our info from changes or loss by those not allowed access; keeps details true and sound for all relying on them.

3.Data Categorization and Filtering

How It Works: Lets seekers swiftly pinpoint desired facts by classifying entries (by continent size or city) and applying filters to refine searches (focusing on capitals or certain crowd sizes). The Benefit: Aids users in wading through vast data troves without stress; helps find exact facts they need fast.

4. Language Speaker Analysis

Tool Purpose: It counts speakers of key languages—Chinese, English, Hindi, Spanish, and Arabic—worldwide. The tool compares these numbers with global population stats. Its Value: This instrument illuminates language patterns universally; essential for designing educational programs, media output, and international ties. Such insights permit organizations to tailor communication strategies and offerings for diverse groups.

Non-Functional Requirements

1. Usability

What It Signifies: Our system stands as user-friendly -even for non-tech folks. Searching up info to pull up reports should be a e. The Reason Why Crucial: Guarantees full ease of use so all needing it - from tech novices to those with disabilities - can work it well without much learning or know-how.

2. Performance

Speed Matters: This system moves with haste and grace, coping well under the strain of vast data loads or high user traffic. Significance Lies Herein: Patience runs thin for those who use this service; they crave prompt replies. Long waits for reports to form or web pages to open to test their limits. When performance peaks, users revel in an enhanced experience, free from irksomeness.


Value: Each added piece of data and new participant joining bolsters the system's capability; however, the standard or simplicity remains unshaken. Importance: Due to its adaptability, this platform ensures growth over time can occur; preparing for more data coming in; a rise in report generation; or increased user engagement—all without compromising efficiency or reliability.

4.Data Integrity and Accuracy

What It Means: Ensures that all data entered into or generated by the system is accurate and consistent, with checks in place to prevent and correct errors. Why It's Important: Maintains the reliability of the system for making informed decisions based on the provided data, which is critical for organizational credibility.

Functional Requirements

All functional requirements for the website is listed below, whenever creating issues for these requirements ensure that you write the Requirement ID provided below.

Requirement ID Requirement Must/Want Comments
FR001 All the countries in the world organised by largest population to smallest. Must No comments
FR002 All the countries in a continent organised by largest population to smallest. Must No comments
FR003 All the countries in a region organised by largest population to smallest. Must No comments
FR004 The top N populated countries in the world where N is provided by the user. Must No comments
FR005 The top N populated countries in a continent where N is provided by the user. Must No comments
FR006 The top N populated countries in a region where N is provided by the user. Must No comments
FR007 All the cities in the world organised by largest population to smallest. Must No comments
FR008 All the cities in a continent organised by largest population to smallest. Must No comments
FR009 All the cities in a region organised by largest population to smallest. Must No comments
FR010 All the cities in a country organised by largest population to smallest. Must No comments
FR011 All the cities in a district organised by largest population to smallest. Must No comments
FR012 The top N populated cities in the world where N is provided by the user. Must No comments
FR013 The top N populated cities in a continent where N is provided by the user. Must No comments
FR014 The top N populated cities in a region where N is provided by the user. Must No comments
FR015 The top N populated cities in a country where N is provided by the user. Must No comments
FR016 The top N populated cities in a district where N is provided by the user. Must No comments
FR017 All the capital cities in the world organised by largest population to smallest. Must No comments
FR018 All the capital cities in a continent organised by largest population to smallest. Must No comments
FR019 All the capital cities in a region organised by largest to smallest. Must No comments
FR020 The top N populated capital cities in the world where N is provided by the user. Must No comments
FR021 The top N populated capital cities in a continent where N is provided by the user. Must No comments
FR022 The top N populated capital cities in a region where N is provided by the user. Must No comments
FR023 The population of people, people living in cities, and people not living in cities in each continent. Must No comments
FR024 The population of people, people living in cities, and people not living in cities in each region. Must No comments
FR025 The population of people, people living in cities, and people not living in cities in each country. Must No comments
FR026 The population of the world. Must No comments
FR027 The population of a continent. Must No comments
FR028 The population of a region. Must No comments
FR029 The population of a country. Must No comments
FR030 The population of a district. Must No comments
FR031 The population of a city. Must No comments
FR032 Number of people who speak the following languages from greatest to smallest Must No comments
- Chinese Must No comments
- English Must No comments
- Hindi Must No comments
- Spanish Must No comments
- Arabic Must No comments
FR033 Country Report Must No comments
- Code Must No comments
- Name Must No comments
- Continent Must No comments
- Region Must No comments
- Population Must No comments
- Capital Must No comments
FR034 City Report Must No comments
- Name Must No comments
- Country Must No comments
- District Must No comments
- Population Must No comments
FR035 Population Report Must No comments
- Name Must No comments
- Country Must No comments
- Population Must No comments
FR036 The name of the continent/region/country Must No comments
FR037 The total population of the continent/region/country Must No comments
FR038 The total population of the continent/region/country living in cities (including a %) Must No comments
FR039 The total population of the continent/region/country not living in cities (including a %) Must No comments
FR040 Being able to add new info(dataset) to the database Want No comments
FR041 Applying security measures(login credentials - have a username or password) Want No comments
FR042 Fast and responsive design Want No comments
FR043 Simple UI for ease of use Want No comments
FR044 Up to date data Want No comments
FR045 Accessible on all devices Want No comments
FR046 Interacting with the database directly on the website Want No comments