PICO 8 Setup Guide - EmuELEC/EmuELEC GitHub Wiki


You can see a demo of PICO-8 on EmuELEC if you're curious what this fantasy console is like and how it runs.


  1. Be sure you are running EmuELEC 3.9 or later
  2. Download PICO-8 (Raspberry Pi version)
  3. Unzip this file into /storage/roms/bios (Make sure you keep the "pico-8" folder from the zip file)
  4. Restart Emulation Station

Important notes:

  • If you plan on running your own carts there is a bug in EmuELEC 3.9. After restarting in the previous step, please change the following line in /emuelec/scripts/pico8.sh:

CART=name=$(echo "${1}" | cut -f 1 -d '.')
CART=$(echo "${1}")

But if you are only interested in Splore, then no need to change anything.

  • PICO-8 does not run like other systems on EmuELEC. All you need is Splore and this will take you straight into the fantasy console where you can directly browse, search and play games from there.
  • If you have your own PICO-8 files in .p8 or .png format, you can also put these in /storage/roms/pico-8 and they will show up in Emulation Station and run.
  • If you save a .p8 file from PICO-8 on your computer, you must play the game before you save or it will not work in EmuELEC.

Optional: Metadata for Splore

Since PICO-8 is a dynamic console without a fixed list of official games, it is currently not possible to scrape metadata for PICO-8.

  1. Change /storage/roms/pico-8/gamelist.xml to the following (if the file does not exist, create it):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
		<desc>Splore is a graphical interface for exploring PICO-8 cartridges. You can use Splore to browse, search, and play cartridges published to the forum (BBS) directly over the Internet. You can also use Splore to navigate the cartridge storage area, with or without an Internet connection.

Select a cartridge to run it. To return to Splore from the running cart, press Start to pause the cart and display the pause menu, then select Exit to Splore.</desc>
		<developer>Joseph White</developer>
		<genre>Fantasy Console</genre>
  1. Create the directory /storage/roms/pico-8/images

  2. Download this zip file on the EmuELEC Discord #general channel with the following files and add them to the images directory you just created:

  • splore-image.png
  • splore-marquee.png
  • splore-thumb.png
  1. Select GAME SETTINGS > UPDATE GAMES LISTS to see the new metadata for Splore.
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