How to Scrape Roms - EmuELEC/EmuELEC GitHub Wiki

Default Scraper

Check the Retropie scrap tutorial:, but please ignore any install procedures, on EmuELEC since these are easily reached on the scrape menu.

If you need to set up the default scraper to not scrape certain file types, you can edit the <extension> list in this file: /storage/.config/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg

For example, to exclude .bin and .BIN files from scraping in Playstation, find and remove .bin .BIN in the Sony Playstation system here:

  <fullname>Sony Playstation</fullname>
  <extension>.bin .BIN .cue .CUE .img .IMG .mdf .MDF .pbp .PBP .toc .TOC .cbn .CBN .m3u .M3U .ccd .CCD .chd .CHD .zip .ZIP .7z .7Z .iso .ISO</extension>
  <command>/emuelec/scripts/ %ROM% -P%SYSTEM% --core=%CORE% --emulator=%EMULATOR% --controllers="%CONTROLLERSCONFIG%"</command>
    <emulator name="libretro">
        <core default="true">pcsx_rearmed</core>


You can also read the Skyscraper docs here:
but please note that Skyscraper works better from SSH!

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️