Cave Story - EmuELEC/EmuELEC GitHub Wiki

You may have noticed an option for "Cave Story" under "Ports". You may also have noticed it doesn't work. The reason for this is that Cave Story is a freeware game that we can't distribute with EmuELEC for copyright reasons.

Here's how to get it to work:

  1. Download the game from the developer's website and extract the .zip to a directory. Use the link labelled "Windows" on
  2. Download the English language patch from
  3. Start "Cave Story Translation Installer.exe" and go through the wizard, pointing it at the directory you placed the game in (Note: it works just fine under Wine if you use Linux)
  4. From the now patched files, copy at least Doukutsu.exe and the data directory into /storage/roms/ports/CaveStory on EmuELEC

Enjoy playing Cave Story! :)