Bezels & Splash screens - EmuELEC/EmuELEC GitHub Wiki

Bezels only work for emulators that use Libretro/Retroarch.

Enable bezels, on the main menu select:

--- Enable RA bezels

Next time you run a game that uses Libretro/Retroarch you will see a default bezel.

You can also download (you need to be connected to the internet) some bezels from the main menu:

System Settings
-- Update & Downloads
---- The Bezel Project
------ Install Bezels

Select the platform you would like to install bezels for and wait until they download and install.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The bezels will compare the name to your current ROM, if the names do not match no bezel will be installed, names are based on No-intro.

Manual Install Bezels and Splash

If you would like to manually install bezels or splash screens you can do it by using the Bezels or Splash network share (samba, or if using winscp/ssh in /storage/roms/bezels and /storage/roms/splash)


Create a folder for the platform you would like to use (e.g /storage/roms/bezels/nes) and place your game bezels in there default.cfg is for the default bezel for that system (e.g /storage/roms/bezels/nes/default.cfg), for games you need to name the bezel exactly as your ROM file (minus the extension), only .cfg and .png files


Create a folder for the platform you would like to use (e.g /storage/roms/splash/nes) and place your game splash screens in there, they need to be the exact same name (minus the extension) as the ROM file (e.g. for Super Mario (USA).nes it needs to be called Super Mario (USA).png or Super Mario (USA).mp4, you can also copy a png/mp4 with the platform name (e.g nes.mp4) and copy it to /storage/roms/splash and it will show for that platform. Alternatively you can copy a a png/mp4 named launching.png or launching.mp4 to /storage/roms/splash/[PLATFORM]

If you would like to change the splash screen for ALL platforms copy a png/mp4 named launching.png or launching.mp4 to /storage/roms/splash/

Only .png and .mp4 files are accepted

Modifying the SPLASH-LOADING-Screen

If you want to personalize the EmuElec-loading screen (when the progress bar loads all the systems), you need to create a splash.xml file and put it in the root folder of your theme. You can change the background, the colors, the font and the size and position of the progressbar.

Here's an example of the content of a splash.xml:


Bootlogo CANNOT be changed unless you compile from source.