COBRA - EmmieBu/projects GitHub Wiki

In this setup:

The —a and —b flags are defined to accept file paths. Both flags are marked as required, ensuring the program only runs when both are provided.

2. Process Files and Write to Specific Directories

Within the execute function, process each file and write the outputs to their respective directories:

The processFile function encapsulates the logic for handling each file, including reading, parsing, and processing. After processing, the results are written to an output.txt file within the specified directory (files/logs/a or files/logs/b).

3. Ensure Output Directories Exist

Before writing the output, verify that the target directories exist, creating them if necessary:

func execute(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
processFile(aPath, “files/logs/a”)
processFile(bPath, “files/logs/b”)

func processFile(filePath, outputDir string) {
// Implement your file processing logic here
// For example, read the file, parse its content, and perform necessary operations

// After processing, write the result to the specified output directory
outputPath := fmt.Sprintf(“%s/output.txt”, outputDir)
err := os.WriteFile(outputPath, []byte(“Processed content”), 0644)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf(“Error writing to %s: %v\n”, outputPath, err)


//require certain flags to be used when running a command


How It Works:

When the process command is run, it will call the func1(), func2(), func3(), and func4() functions. This way, you can organize multiple functions outside of main.go and still call them from your Cobra command logic.


Directory Structure: Follow Cobra’s best practices by splitting your logic into separate files, with a simple main.go file and commands defined in the cmd folder. cobra.Command is a Struct: You fill in its fields, and the & symbol means you are creating a pointer to that struct. Calling Multiple Functions: You can define multiple functions outside of main.go and call them inside your Cobra commands via the Run field.

Let me know if this makes sense or if you need any further clarifications!

package cmd

import (

var afPath, nfPath string

// Define the command that will call multiple functions
var processCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: “process”,
Short: “Process af and nf files”,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {

func init() {
processCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&afPath, “af”, “a”, "", “Path to the input file for af”)
processCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&nfPath, “nf”, “n”, "", “Path to the input file for nf”)

func func1() {
fmt.Println(“Running function 1”)

func func2() {
fmt.Println(“Running function 2”)

func func3() {
fmt.Println(“Running function 3”)

func func4() {
fmt.Println(“Running function 4”)

package main

import (

func main() {
cmd.Execute() // Only calls the Execute function from the cmd package


package cmd

import (


var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: “myapp”,
Short: “A simple CLI application”,
Long: `This is a longer description of the CLI application.`,

// Execute is called by main.go to kickstart Cobra
func Execute() {
if err := rootCmd.Execute(); err != nil {

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️