Transportation - Electroblob77/Wizardry GitHub Wiki

Tier Advanced
Element Sorcery
Type Utility
Mana Cost 100
Continuous No
Cast by wizards No
Cast by dispensers No
ID ebwizardry:transportation
Metadata 82
First appeared in Wizardry 1.0


Transports the caster to their remembered stone circle. To use this spell, make a circle of stones of transportation, then right click it with a wand.

Upon casting transportation, the player receives a nausea effect and a portal sound plays. After a short delay, the caster is teleported to the location of their remembered stone circle, provided it is in the same dimension, and the nausea wears off with a brief blindness effect. A stone circle is an arrangement of 8 stones of transportation in a square (because as we all know, circles are squares in Minecraft). To remember the location of one, any of the stones may be right-clicked with a wand. Doing so overwrites any previously remembered stone circle location.

A stone circle


  • Transportation is probably the most frequently asked-about spell in wizardry.
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