Telekinesis - Electroblob77/Wizardry GitHub Wiki

Tier Novice
Element Sorcery
Type Utility
Mana Cost 5
Continuous No
Cast by wizards Yes
Cast by dispensers Yes
ID ebwizardry:telekinesis
Metadata 11
First appeared in Wizardry 1.0


Moves an item or other small object towards you, or right-clicks the block you are looking at. Can also be used to disarm players.

Telekinesis has several uses:

  1. Aiming at a dropped item moves it towards the player. Usually this results in the player picking up the item.
  2. Aiming at a block that has a right-click action performs that action on the block, as if it were right-clicked with an empty hand. For example, wooden doors and trapdoors will open, levers and buttons will be pressed, and inventories will be opened.
  3. Aiming at a player causes the item that player is currently holding to fly out of their hand in a random direction.


  • Some wizards know telekinesis, but only use it to disarm players.
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