Spells - Electroblob77/Wizardry GitHub Wiki

This page is a list of all the spells currently in Wizardry, along with their descriptions and various statistics. Click on the links to the pages for each spell for more details.

Spoiler alert! The information in the table below may spoil your enjoyment of the mod, as it contains details of spells you may not have discovered. I recommend playing the mod for a while before reading about all the spells; discovering spells you have never seen before is a big part of the gameplay. If you have played the mod, or don't really mind spoilers, then read on...

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Spell Types

Key to headings

  1. # The order of the spells as shown in the creative tab
  2. Icon The spell's icon as displayed in its spell book and on the spell HUD
  3. Name The name of the spell in English
  4. Tier The tier that the spell belongs to
  5. Element The element that the spell belongs to
  6. Type The type of spell - attack, defence, utility, etc.
  7. Mana The mana cost of the spell
  8. Continuous? Whether the spell requires the use item button to be held in order to cast it
  9. Wizards? Whether wizard NPCs can cast this spell
  10. Dispensers? Whether dispensers can cast this spell
  11. Metadata The metadata of the corresponding spell book or scroll. N.B. This will not be correct for worlds that have been updated from older versions of wizardry. In this case, use F3+H in-game and hover over a spell book or scroll to look up its metadata.
  12. Since The major version of Wizardry in which the spell was first introduced

Pro tip! Use shift + scroll wheel to see more columns.

# Icon Name Tier Element Type Mana Continuous? Wizards? Dispensers? Metadata Since
1 Magic Missile Novice Magic Projectile 5 No Yes Yes 1 1.0
2 Ignite Novice Fire Attack 5 No Yes Yes 2 1.0
3 Smoke Bomb Novice Fire Projectile 10 No Yes Yes 111 1.1
4 Freeze Novice Ice Alteration 5 No Yes Yes 3 1.0
5 Snowball Novice Ice Projectile 1 No No Yes 4 1.0
6 Arc Novice Lightning Attack 5 No Yes Yes 5 1.0
7 Thunderbolt Novice Lightning Projectile 10 No Yes Yes 6 1.0
8 Summon Zombie Novice Necromancy Minion 10 No Yes Yes 7 1.0
9 Mind Trick Novice Necromancy Alteration 10 No Yes Yes 112 1.1
10 Dart Novice Earth Projectile 5 No Yes Yes 8 1.0
11 Snare Novice Earth Construct 5 No No Yes 9 1.0
12 Leap Novice Earth Utility 5 No No No 113 1.1
13 Mine Novice Earth Utility 5 No Yes Yes 141 4.2
14 Light Novice Sorcery Utility 5 No No Yes 10 1.0
15 Telekinesis Novice Sorcery Utility 5 No Yes* Yes 11 1.0
16 Conjure Block Novice Sorcery Utility 10 No Yes Yes 142 4.2
17 Muffle Novice Sorcery Buff 5 No No Yes 143 4.2
18 Heal Novice Healing Defence 5 No Yes** Yes 12 1.0
19 Ward Novice Healing Defence 5 No Yes Yes 144 4.2
20 Evade Novice Healing Utility 5 No Yes Yes 145 4.2
21 Fireball Apprentice Fire Projectile 10 No Yes Yes 13 1.0
22 Flame Ray Apprentice Fire Attack 5/second Yes No Yes 14 1.0
23 Firebomb Apprentice Fire Projectile 15 No Yes Yes 15 1.0
24 Fire Sigil Apprentice Fire Construct 10 No No Yes† 16 1.0
25 Firebolt Apprentice Fire Projectile 10 No Yes Yes 17 1.0
26 Pocket Furnace Apprentice Fire Utility 30 No No No 114 1.1
27 Frost Ray Apprentice Ice Attack 5/second Yes No Yes 18 1.0
28 Summon Snow Golem Apprentice Ice Minion 15 No No Yes 19 1.0
29 Ice Shard Apprentice Ice Projectile 10 No Yes Yes 20 1.0
30 Ice Statue Apprentice Ice Alteration 15 No No Yes 21 1.0
31 Frost Sigil Apprentice Ice Attack 10 No No Yes† 22 1.0
32 Iceball Apprentice Ice Attack 10 No Yes Yes 146 4.2
33 Lightning Ray Apprentice Lightning Attack 5/second Yes No Yes 23 1.0
34 Spark Bomb Apprentice Lightning Projectile 15 No Yes Yes 24 1.0
35 Homing Spark Apprentice Lightning Attack 10 No Yes Yes 25 1.0
36 Lightning Sigil Apprentice Lightning Construct 10 No No Yes† 26 1.0
37 Lightning Arrow Apprentice Lightning Projectile 15 No Yes Yes 27 1.0
38 Charge Apprentice Lightning Attack 20 No Yes No 147 4.2
39 Life Drain Apprentice Necromancy Attack 10/second Yes No Yes 28 1.0
40 Summon Skeleton Apprentice Necromancy Minion 15 No Yes Yes 29 1.0
41 Metamorphosis Apprentice Necromancy Alteration 15 No No Yes 30 1.0
42 Wither Apprentice Necromancy Attack 10 No Yes Yes 31 1.0
43 Intimidate Apprentice Necromancy Alteration 20 No No No 115 1.1
44 Banish Apprentice Necromancy Alteration 15 No Yes Yes 116 1.1
45 Reversal Apprentice Necromancy Alteration 40 No Yes Yes 148 4.2
46 Poison Apprentice Earth Attack 10 No Yes Yes 32 1.0
47 Growth Aura Apprentice Earth Utility 20 No No Yes 33 1.0
48 Bubble Apprentice Earth Attack 15 No Yes Yes 34 1.0
49 Whirlwind Apprentice Earth Alteration 10 No Yes Yes 35 1.0
50 Poison Bomb Apprentice Earth Projectile 15 No Yes Yes 36 1.0
51 Summon Spirit Wolf Apprentice Earth Minion 25 No No No 37 1.0
52 Sixth Sense Apprentice Earth Buff 20 No No No 117 1.1
53 Darkvision Apprentice Earth Buff 20 No No Yes 118 1.1
54 Grapple Apprentice Earth Utility 5/second Yes No Yes 149 4.2
55 Blink Apprentice Sorcery Utility 15 No Yes No 38 1.0
56 Agility Apprentice Sorcery Buff 20 No No Yes 39 1.0
57 Conjure Sword Apprentice Sorcery Utility 25 No No No 40 1.0
58 Conjure Pickaxe Apprentice Sorcery Utility 25 No No No 41 1.0
59 Conjure Bow Apprentice Sorcery Utility 40 No No No 42 1.0
60 Force Arrow Apprentice Sorcery Projectile 15 No Yes Yes 43 1.0
61 Clairvoyance Apprentice Sorcery Utility 20 No No No 119 1.1
62 Pocket Workbench Apprentice Sorcery Utility 30 No No No 120 1.1
63 Imbue Weapon Apprentice Sorcery Buff 20 No No No 121 1.1
64 Divination Apprentice Sorcery Utility 35 No No No 150 4.2
65 Shield Apprentice Healing Defence 5/second Yes No No 44 1.0
66 Replenish Hunger Apprentice Healing Buff 10 No No Yes 45 1.0
67 Cure Effects Apprentice Healing Defence 25 No No Yes 46 1.0
68 Heal Ally Apprentice Healing Defence 10 No No Yes 47 1.0
69 Invigorating Presence Apprentice Healing Utility 30 No No Yes 122 1.1
70 Oakflesh Apprentice Healing Defence 20 No Yes Yes 123 1.1
71 Empowering Presence Apprentice Healing Buff 30 No No Yes 151 4.2
72 Summon Blaze Advanced Fire Minion 40 No Yes Yes 48 1.0
73 Ring of Fire Advanced Fire Construct 30 No Yes Yes 49 1.0
74 Detonate Advanced Fire Attack 45 No Yes Yes 50 1.0
75 Fire Resistance Advanced Fire Defence 20 No Yes Yes 51 1.0
76 Fireskin Advanced Fire Defence 40 No No Yes 52 1.0
77 Flaming Axe Advanced Fire Utility 45 No No No 53 1.0
78 Greater Fireball Advanced Fire Projectile 20 No Yes Yes 124 1.1
79 Flaming Weapon Advanced Fire Buff 35 No No No 125 1.1
80 Disintegration Advanced Fire Attack 35 No Yes Yes 152 4.2
81 Combustion Rune Advanced Fire Construct 30 No Yes Yes† 153 4.2
82 Blizzard Advanced Ice Construct 40 No Yes Yes 54 1.0
83 Summon Ice Wraith Advanced Ice Minion 40 No Yes Yes 55 1.0
84 Ice Shroud Advanced Ice Defence 40 No No Yes 56 1.0
85 Ice Charge Advanced Ice Projectile 20 No Yes Yes 57 1.0
86 Frost Axe Advanced Ice Utility 45 No No No 58 1.0
87 Ice Lance Advanced Ice Projectile 20 No Yes Yes 126 1.1
88 Freezing Weapon Advanced Ice Buff 35 No No No 127 1.1
89 Ice Spikes Advanced Ice Attack 30 No Yes Yes 128 1.1
90 Frost Step Advanced Ice Utility 50 No No Yes 154 4.2
91 Invoke Weather Advanced Lightning Utility 30 No No No 59 1.0
92 Chain Lightning Advanced Lightning Attack 25 No No Yes 60 1.0
93 Lightning Bolt Advanced Lightning Attack 40 No Yes Yes 61 1.0
94 Summon Lightning Wraith Advanced Lightning Minion 40 No Yes Yes 62 1.0
95 Static Aura Advanced Lightning Defence 40 No No Yes 63 1.0
96 Lightning Disc Advanced Lightning Projectile 25 No Yes Yes 64 1.0
97 Lightning Pulse Advanced Lightning Attack 25 No No Yes 129 1.1
98 Paralysis Advanced Lightning Alteration 20 No Yes Yes 155 4.2
99 Mind Control Advanced Necromancy Alteration 40 No No No 65 1.0
100 Summon Wither Skeleton Advanced Necromancy Minion 35 No Yes Yes 66 1.0
101 Entrapment Advanced Necromancy Attack 35 No Yes Yes 67 1.0
102 Wither Skull Advanced Necromancy Projectile 20 No Yes Yes 68 1.0
103 Darkness Orb Advanced Necromancy Projectile 20 No Yes Yes 69 1.0
104 Shadow Ward Advanced Necromancy Defence 10/second Yes No No 70 1.0
105 Decay Advanced Necromancy Attack 50 No Yes Yes† 71 1.0
106 Curse of Soulbinding Advanced Necromancy Alteration 35 No No No 130 1.1
107 Shulker Bullet Advanced Necromancy Projectile 25 No Yes Yes 156 4.2
108 Curse of Undeath Advanced Necromancy Alteration 40 No Yes Yes 157 4.2
109 Dragon Fireball Advanced Necromancy Projectile 30 No Yes Yes 158 4.2
110 Water Breathing Advanced Earth Buff 30 No No Yes 72 1.0
111 Tornado Advanced Earth Attack 35 No Yes Yes 73 1.0
112 Glide Advanced Earth Utility 5/second Yes No No 74 1.0
113 Summon Spirit Horse Advanced Earth Minion 50 No No No 75 1.0
114 Spider Swarm Advanced Earth Minion 45 No Yes Yes 76 1.0
115 Slime Advanced Earth Attack 20 No Yes Yes 77 1.0
116 Cobwebs Advanced Earth Construct 30 No Yes Yes 131 1.1
117 Petrify Advanced Sorcery Alteration 40 No No Yes 78 1.0
118 Invisibility Advanced Sorcery Buff 35 No Yes Yes 79 1.0
119 Levitation Advanced Sorcery Utility 10/second Yes No No 80 1.0
120 Force Orb Advanced Sorcery Projectile 20 No Yes Yes 81 1.0
121 Transportation Advanced Sorcery Utility 100 No No No 82 1.0
122 Spectral Pathway Advanced Sorcery Utility 40 No No No 83 1.0
123 Phase Step Advanced Sorcery Utility 35 No No No 84 1.0
124 Vanishing Box Advanced Sorcery Utility 45 No No No 85 1.0
125 Decoy Advanced Sorcery Construct 40 No Yes No 132 1.1
126 Greater Telekinesis Advanced Sorcery Attack 10/second No No Yes 159 4.2
127 Vex Swarm Advanced Sorcery Minion 50 No Yes Yes 160 4.2
128 Arcane Lock Advanced Sorcery Utility 50 No No*** Yes 161 4.2
129 Containment Advanced Sorcery Alteration 40 No Yes Yes 162 4.2
130 Greater Heal Advanced Healing Defence 15 No Yes** Yes 86 1.0
131 Healing Aura Advanced Healing Construct 35 No Yes Yes 87 1.0
132 Forcefield Advanced Healing Defence 45 No Yes Yes 88 1.0
133 Ironflesh Advanced Healing Defence 30 No Yes Yes 89 1.0
134 Transience Advanced Healing Buff 50 No No Yes 90 1.0
135 Arcane Jammer Advanced Healing Alteration 30 No Yes Yes 133 1.1
136 Conjure Armour Advanced Healing Defence 45 No No No 134 1.1
137 Group Heal Advanced Healing Defence 35 No No No 135 1.1
138 Satiety Advanced Healing Buff 40 No No Yes 163 4.2
139 Greater Ward Advanced Healing Defence 20 No Yes Yes 164 4.2
140 Ray of Purification Advanced Healing Attack 10/second Yes Yes Yes 165 4.2
141 Remove Curse Advanced Healing Defence 50 No Yes Yes 166 4.2
142 Meteor Master Fire Attack 100 No No Yes 91 1.0
143 Fire Breath Master Fire Attack 15/second Yes No Yes 92 1.0
144 Summon Phoenix Master Fire Minion 150 No No Yes 93 1.0
145 Ice Age Master Ice Attack 70 No No Yes 94 1.0
146 Wall of Frost Master Ice Utility 15/second Yes No Yes 95 1.0
147 Summon Ice Giant Master Ice Minion 100 No No Yes 96 1.0
148 Hailstorm Master Ice Attack 75 No No Yes† 136 1.1
149 Thunderstorm Master Lightning Attack 100 No No Yes 97 1.0
150 Lightning Hammer Master Lightning Construct 100 No No Yes† 98 1.0
151 Lightning Web Master Lightning Attack 15/second Yes No Yes 137 1.1
152 Summon Storm Elemental Master Lightning Minion 100 No No Yes 138 1.1
153 Plague of Darkness Master Necromancy Attack 75 No No Yes 99 1.0
154 Summon Skeleton Legion Master Necromancy Minion 100 No No Yes 100 1.0
155 Summon Shadow Wraith Master Necromancy Minion 100 No No Yes 101 1.0
156 Possession Master Necromancy Alteration 100 No No Yes 167 4.2
157 Curse of Enfeeblement Master Necromancy Alteration 60 No No Yes 168 4.2
158 Forest's Curse Master Earth Attack 75 No No No 102 1.0
159 Flight Master Earth Utility 10/second Yes No No 103 1.0
160 Silverfish Swarm Master Earth Minion 80 No No Yes 104 1.0
161 Earthquake Master Earth Attack 75 No No Yes 139 1.1
162 Forest of Thorns Master Earth Defence 100 No No Yes 169 4.2
163 Black Hole Master Sorcery Construct 150 No No Yes 105 1.0
164 Shockwave Master Sorcery Attack 65 No No Yes 106 1.0
165 Summon Iron Golem Master Sorcery Minion 175 No No Yes 107 1.0
166 Arrow Rain Master Sorcery Attack 75 No No Yes† 108 1.0
167 Speed time Master Sorcery Utility 15/second Yes No Yes 170 4.2
168 Slow time Master Sorcery Alteration 100 No No Yes 171 4.2
169 Diamondflesh Master Healing Defence 100 No No Yes 109 1.0
170 Font of Vitality Master Healing Buff 75 No No No 110 1.0
171 Font of Mana Master Healing Buff 100 No No No 140 1.1
172 Resurrection Master Healing Alteration 150 No No No 172 4.2

* Telekinesis can only be used by wizards to disarm players.

** All wizards know heal and use it independently of the rest of their spells, except for healers, who know greater heal instead.

*** Each shrine has a chest protected by an arcane lock with no owner, but defeating the wizards spawned by the shrine removes the lock

† Requires dispenser to be facing down at the floor

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