Snowball - Electroblob77/Wizardry GitHub Wiki

Tier Novice
Element Ice
Type Projectile
Mana Cost 1
Continuous No
Cast by wizards No
Cast by dispensers Yes
ID ebwizardry:snowball
Metadata 4
First appeared in Wizardry 1.0


Launches a snowball in the direction you are pointing.

Snowball is a very simple spell which launches a snowball as if the caster had thrown it.


  • Costing just 1 mana, snowball is the cheapest spell in wizardry.
  • Just like thrown snowballs, the snowball spell will deal damage to blazes.
  • Because it only costs 1 mana, using snowball on any ice wand costs no mana at all! This is not as overpowered as it seems, though - free snowballs can be obtained very easily in vanilla Minecraft from snow golems.
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