Ice Shroud (Status Effect) - Electroblob77/Wizardry GitHub Wiki

This page is about the status effect. For the spell, see Ice Shroud.

Ice Shroud
Particles Snowflakes, light blue sparkles
Effect type Beneficial
Max. natural level Ice Shroud I
Potion ID ebwizardry:ice_shroud
First appeared in Wizardry 1.0


Ice shroud is a beneficial status effect which causes players and mobs to inflict frostbite on attackers. A player or mob with the ice shroud effect causes any creature that melee attacks it to be inflicted with frostbite I for 5 seconds.


The ice shroud spell grants the caster ice shroud I for 30 seconds. The only other source of the effect is via commands.


  • The amplifier has no effect for ice shroud, much like fire resistance or water breathing in vanilla Minecraft.
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