Arcane Seal of Protection - Electroblob77/Wizardry GitHub Wiki

Arcane Seal of Protection
Craftable No
Stackable No
Creative Tab Wizardry
Item ID ebwizardry:armour_upgrade
First appeared in Wizardry 1.0

An arcane seal of protection is a rare upgrade used to upgrade wizard armour to legendary wizard armour. It can only be found in dungeon chests.


Arcane seals of protection are found rarely in loot chests in dungeons. They are also available in the wizardry tab of the creative mode inventory and via the /give command.


The sole use of arcane seals of protection is to upgrade wizard armour in the arcane workbench. Placing any piece of wizard armour in the central slot of the workbench and the seal in the upgrade slot, then pressing apply will upgrade that piece of armour to legendary status. Legendary wizard armour affords the wearer much greater protection than regular wizard armour, and has the enchanted glow effect. Only one seal may be applied to each piece of armour, and it cannot be removed once applied.

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