Developer Documentation - Edkamb/crowbar-tool GitHub Wiki

General comments

  • Always use appendStmt to extend the internal AST, as we match on the exact structure of the AST.
  • The front-end is split in three parts: Repository.kt collects information from the ABS AST. ABSInterface.kt translates the ABS AST into the Crowbar IR. Main.kt setups the Repository and extracts all proof obligations.
  • The back-end is mainly in SMTInterface.kt, which translates formulas of the Crowbar IR into SMT-LIB. The counterexample generator is implemented in the org.abs_models.crowbar.investigator package.
  • The middle-end is mainly in the Rule.kt (defining rules), Match.kt (applying one rule) and Strategy.kt (complete symbolic execution).

Adding a new type

Adding the syntax

First, extend the DeductType interface and implement the following four methods:

  • extractMethodNode(classDecl: ClassDecl, name: String, repos: Repository): SymbolicNode must return the root of a symbolic execution tree for method name in classDelc.
  • extractInitialNode(classDecl: ClassDecl): SymbolicNode must return the root of a symbolic execution tree for the initial block of classDelc.
  • exctractMainNode(model: Model): SymbolicNode must return the root of a symbolic execution tree for the initial block of the program.
  • exctractFunctionNode(fDecl: FunctionDecl): SymbolicNode must return the root for function declaration

The interface must have an anonymous companion object

If your type is no operating on some of these targets, say functions, return emptySymNode() If your type is supposed to generate proof obligations at another level, add extract methods here as well and call them from the main block (see below).

Next, implement a schematic syntax and a concrete semantics. The schematic syntax is an abstract variable and is declared as

data class NewAbstractVar(val name : String) : NewType, AbstractVar{ ... }

this class is used to define schematic rules later. The concrete semantics is any implementation for the internal syntax of your specification.

Adding rules

To add rules, extend the Rule class. The Rule constructor takes a schematic modality on which it will match. Matching takes a modality and unifies it with the current modality in the symbolic execution, by assigning concrete value to every instance of AbstractVar. For example, the following will match on every modality:

class NewRule(val repos: Repository) : Rule(Modality(
    NewAbstractVar("TYPE"))) {....

Each rule must override the transform(cond: MatchCondition, input : SymbolicState): List<SymbolicTree> method. The MatchCondition is an assignment from all AbstractVar instances in the constructor to concrete values. input is the current state of the symbolic execution.

You can retrieve the concrete values with, e.g.,

        val type =[NewAbstractVar("TYPE")] as NewType
        val first =[StmtAbstractVar("FIRST")] as Stmt
        val cont =[StmtAbstractVar("CONT")] as Stmt

Beware: (1) these casts are not checked statically (2) you must use the correct type for the schematic variable. For example[NewAbstractVar("FIRST")] will fail.

Adding the interface

To enable users to invoke your type, extend the deductType option in Main.kt by adding another branch "NewType" -> NewType::class in its convert call. To connect rules with symbolic execution (1) extend the getStrategy function in Strategy.kt with another branch NewType::class -> nextNewStrategy(repos) and (2) add a new function fun nextNewStrategy(repos: Repository) : Strategy = DefaultStrategy(listOf(...)), where ... creates one instance of each rule you added.

Counterexample Generation

In the most abstract terms, Crowbar's counterexample generation works by reconstructing the executed program from the applied symbolic execution rules. To do so, it uses additional information stored in the NodeInfo object stored in every node of the symbolic execution tree.

Extending CEG

To add support for new rules to the counterexample generator, create a new subtype of NodeInfo and extend the NodeInfoVisitor appropriately. The new NodeInfo subclass can in principle store arbitrary information that is necessary to properly reconstruct the executed statement. The NodeInfo class already provides the properties smtExpressions and heapExpressions, which can be used to pass arbitrary heap expressions and generic SMT expressions to the SMT solver to be evaluated in the counterexample model. Info objects also have to indicate if they are heap-anonymization points (like await statements) or full-anonymization points (like loops).

Info objects for leaves in the symbolic execution tree should also implement the LeafInfo interface and provide a list of all proof obligations that have to be shown at this point.

With new info objects in place, all that remains to enable counterexample generation is to provide an implementation of the new visit functions in the NodeInfoRenderer. These functions render the information from the NodeInfo objects into reconstructed program code with appropriate simplifications and modifications, using additional state information as well as the evaluated heap and SMT expressions that were 'registered' for evaluation in the NodeInfo object. Various helper functions are provided for rendering Formulas, Expressions, Terms, Locations, etc. Please refer to the existing rendering functions in NodeInfoRenderer for some examples.