Building with CMake - EdgarReynaldo/EagleGUI GitHub Wiki

How to build with CMake

First we need a source distribution of Eagle. Get it from the releases page or from GIT as described in Getting Started.

  1. Unpack the archive into an empty directory using 7-zip (link at bottom of page).
  2. Go to your command line and cd to the directory where you unpacked Eagle.
  3. Enter the following commands :
    1. mkdir build
    2. cd build
    3. cmake -G "CMAKE GENERATOR NAME" ..
  4. If all goes well, project files have been created and you are ready to build Eagle.
  5. If not, you may need to tweak some of the following CMake variables in cmake-gui or at the command line using -DVAR=VALUE
    • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Debug | Release]
    • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=PATH:/to/install/directory
    • A5DEPDIR=PATH:/to/allegro/deps
    • WANT_EXAMPLES=[On|Off]

After building Eagle, we will move on to installing it.

Installing Eagle

On Windows with MinGW-W64 :
mingw32-make install

On Linux with GCC :

sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
Relevant links :

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