2a. Launch data science environment: Azure - EY-Data-Science-Program/2021-Better-Working-World-Data-Challenge GitHub Wiki

Launch data science environment:

Step 1: Navigate to the Virtual Machine (VM) in the Azure Portal.

Step 2: Start the VM.

Step 3: Once the VM has finished booting up (this takes a few minutes), find the Public IP address of the VM. Note this changes each time you restart the VM.

Step 4: Paste the Public IP address in your browser.

Once you paste the Public IP address in your browser you will be able to launch the data science environment through Jupyter. Type the password (the one you choose earlier) and the below screen will come up. You will see the notebook and run it as below:



  • You are going to see the notebook and you can run it (shift + enter) over the command line.
