例程 ‐ Example - EVAyo/oled-ui-astra GitHub Wiki


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您可以直接 git clone 或者通过本仓库 Code 分页内 Download Zip 下载笔者的代码。

您可以参考这份代码作为自己部署 astra UI 的依据。这是一份非常不错的资料,有助于您理解 astra UI 的逻辑。




  • MCU: STM32F103CBT6
  • Key:
    • Key 0 -> PA6
    • Key 1 -> PA7
  • OLED:
    • IC型号: SSD1306
    • 分辨率: 128 * 64
      • 水平 128 Pixels
      • 垂直 64 Pixels
    • Hardware SPI + DMA:
      • SCK -> PB13
      • MOSI -> PB15
      • CS -> PA2
      • RST -> PA3


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About the code

You can download the author's code via git clone or Download Zip in the Code section of this repository.

You can refer to this code as the basis for your own deployment of astra UI . This is a very good resource to help you understand the logic of astra UI .

However, please note that if and only if your hardware configuration is exactly the same as the author, you can directly flash the firmware compiled by the author, otherwise there may be unexpected consequences.

In the following, I will introduce the code matching hardware platform.

Author's hardware configuration

  • MCU: STM32F103CBT6
  • Key:
    • Key 0 -> PA6
    • Key 1 -> PA7
  • OLED:
    • IC Model: SSD1306
    • Resolution: 128 * 64
      • Horizontal 128 Pixels
      • Vertical 64 Pixels
    • Hardware SPI + DMA:
      • SCK -> PB13
      • MOSI -> PB15
      • CS -> PA2
      • RST -> PA3