ESKG Tutorial End to End Knowledge Graph Construction - ESIPFed/eskg GitHub Wiki


This page provides a worked example displaying how ESKG can be used to build a knowledge graph from data present on the NASA JPL PO.DAAC Website. The example uses textual content relating to the popular Aquarius satellite as the underlying data. We show you how ESKG can be used to fetch content from the PO.DAAC Website and then extract semantic knowledge from the data source. This data is then stored in the ESIP Semantic Portal making it available for numerous uses.

Running OpenIE

sbt "runMain edu.knowitall.openie.OpenIECli --input-file $input_file --output-file $output_file"

Resulting Extractions

The resulting extractions for the sample input data look as follows


Mission Specification & Status

The Aquarius/SAC-D mission, launched on June 10, 2011,  is a joint venture between NASA and the Argentinean Space Agency (CONAE). The mission features the sea surface salinity sensor Aquarius and is the first mission with the primary goal of measuring sea surface salinity (SSS) from space. Data from Aquarius will play a large role in understanding both climate change and the global water cycle.
0.91 (The Aquarius/SAC-D mission; launched; T:on June 10, 2011)
0.96 (Data from Aquarius; will play; a large role in understanding both climate change and the global water cycle)
0.88 (The mission; features; the sea surface salinity sensor)
0.95 Context(The mission features,List([130, 150))):(The Aquarius/SAC-D mission; is; a joint venture between NASA and the Argentinean Space Agency)
0.95 (The mission; is; the first mission with the primary goal of measuring sea surface salinity (SSS) from space)

On June 7, 2015 at 12:53:17 UTC the Aquarius/SAC-D observatory suffered a mission-ending hardware failure resulting in the permanent cessation of data flows.  The entire Aquarius data record spans a full 3 year, 9 month period from 8/25/2011 – 6/7/2015.  Version 4.0 of the Aquarius data is the Official NASA end-of-prime mission data for the Aquarius/SAC-D mission.  While no further forward processing of data is possible, a release of a V5.0 end-of-mission dataset is expected in future.
0.93 (a mission-ending hardware failure; resulting; in the permanent cessation of data)
0.87 (no further forward processing of data; is; possible)
0.96 (a release of a V5.0 end-of-mission dataset; is expected; T:in future)
0.99 Context(a release of a V5.0 end - of - mission dataset is expected,List([425, 479))):(9 month period from 8/25/2011 - 6/7/2015.  Version 4.0 of the Aquarius data; is; the Official NASA end-of-prime mission data for the Aquarius/SAC-D mission)
0.95 Context(9 month period from 8/25/2011 - 6/7 / 2015 . Version 4.0 of the Aquarius data is a release of a V5.0 end - of - mission dataset is expected,List([212, 479))):(The entire Aquarius data record; spans; a full 3 year)
0.98 Context(The entire Aquarius data record spans 9 month period from 8/25/2011 - 6/7 / 2015 . Version 4.0 of the Aquarius data is a release of a V5.0 end - of - mission dataset is expected,List([159, 479))):(the Aquarius/SAC-D observatory; suffered; a mission-ending hardware failure resulting in the permanent cessation of data flows; T:On June 7, 2015)

The Aquarius/SAC-D satellite

This instrument carries 3 radiometers, and 1 scatterometer.  They are operating at 1.4 GHz & 1.2 GHz respectively.  The data collected by the radiometer are being used together with sea surface temperature collected from another platform(s), to derive salinity data.  This is corrected for surface roughness using data from the Aquarius scatterometer.
0.90 (This instrument; carries; 3 radiometers)
0.15 (This; is corrected; )
0.90 (The data; collected; by the radiometer)
0.90 (The data collected by the radiometer; are being used; to derive salinity data)
0.60 Context(The data collected by the radiometer are being used,List([116, 167))):(They; are operating respectively; T:at 1.4 GHz & 1.2 GHz)
0.91 (sea surface temperature; collected; from another platform)

The satellite will cross the equator at 6am and pm.  The Aquarius instrument will continuously point away from the sun to avoid glint.
0.90 (The Aquarius instrument; will continuously point away; to avoid glint)
0.88 Context(The Aquarius instrument will continuously point away,List([53, 105))):(The satellite; will cross; the equator; T:at 6am and pm)
0.87 Context(The Aquarius instrument will continuously point away,List([53, 105))):(The Aquarius instrument; will continuously point away to avoid; glint)

PO.DAAC will be providing Level 2 SSS data as well as gridded Level 3 degree SSS products generated by the Aquarius Ground Segment at Goddard.  Level 3 products will be produced with temporal resolutions of daily, 8 day, monthly, 3 months, and annual.  Monthly and seasonal climatology products from Aqaurius are also available. The Aquarius instrument will provide global coverage every 7 days. The spatial resolution at Level 2 will be approximately 100km.  L3 products are gridded at 1 degree spatial resolution.
0.93 (The Aquarius instrument; will provide; global coverage; T:every 7 days)
0.87 (The spatial resolution at Level 2; will be; approximately 100km)
0.94 (SSS products; generated; by the Aquarius Ground Segment at Goddard)
0.90 (L3 products; are gridded; T:at 1 degree spatial resolution)
0.80 (Level 3 products; will be produced; )

News and Announcements


July 17, 2015

The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the availability of the version 4.0 Aquarius/SAC-D data.  This is the official NASA/Aquarius Project end-of-prime-mission dataset spanning the complete 3 year, 9 nine month period of Aquarius science data availability, from August 25, 2011 through June 7, 2015 when an unrecoverable hardware failure caused the end of the mission. This end-of-prime mission dataset does not preclude future reprocessing.  An updated version (V5.0) is planned for release in 2016, and subsequent updates will be released when measurable improvements are achieved.
0.80 (This end-of-prime mission dataset; does not preclude; )
0.56 Context(This end - of - prime mission dataset does not preclude,List([366, 417))):(This; is; the official NASA/Aquarius Project end-of-prime-mission dataset spanning the complete 3 year, 9 nine month period of Aquarius science data availability, from August 25, 2011 through June 7, 2015)
0.87 Context(This is This end - of - prime mission dataset does not preclude,List([93, 417))):(The PO.DAAC; is; pleased to announce the availability of the version)
0.85 (The PO.DAAC; to announce; the availability of the version)
0.73 (measurable improvements; are achieved; )
0.90 (An updated version; is planned; T:for release in 2016)
0.95 (the official NASA/Aquarius Project end-of-prime-mission dataset; spanning; the complete 3 year)
0.90 (subsequent updates; will be released; T:when measurable improvements are achieved)
0.92 (an unrecoverable hardware failure; caused; the end of the mission)

Data sets comprising this release include the Level 2 orbital data and Level 3 mapped salinity, wind speed, and derived density products at 1 degree spatial resolution for ascending, descending and combined passes and for the following time intervals: daily, 7 day, monthly, seasonal, annual.  New products (added since V3.0), in addition to Density, include 7-day and 28-day running mean products plus seasonal and monthly climatology datasets. Included as part of v4.0 are also a complementary set of similarly gridded L3 ancillary SST products. A summary of improvements with this new version of the Aquarius data is available here. All users are advised to work with v4.0 over any previous versions.   
0.93 (mean products plus seasonal and monthly climatology datasets; Included; as part of v4.0)
0.94 (A summary of improvements with this new version of the Aquarius data; is; available; L:here)
0.93 (Level 3; mapped; salinity, wind speed)
0.96 (daily, 7 day, monthly, seasonal, annual.  New products; added; T:since V3.0)
0.99 (daily, 7 day, monthly, seasonal, annual.  New products (added since V3.0; include; T:for the following time intervals)
0.89 (All users; to work; with v4.0; T:over any previous versions)

The Aquarius v4.0 data sets are described and discoverable via the PO.DAAC data portal.   Access to these data is via PO.DAAC’s public FTP site: .  The data are also accessible via a range of PO.DAAC tools and services: OPeNDAP, THREDDS, Aquarius Level 3 Browser, LAS, the HiTIDE L2 subsetter and associated Web Services.
0.92 (The data; are also; accessible via a range of PO.DAAC tools and services)
0.95 (Access to these data; is; via PO.DAAC's public FTP site)
0.80 Context(Access to these data is,List([90, 113))):(The Aquarius v4.0 data sets; are described; )

The Aquarius Data Users Guide, Aquarius Data Validation Document, and other primary technical documentation , are available from the FTP site together with reader software.   General information regarding Aquarius/SAC-D mission is available from the mission website and also via PO.DAAC’s Aquarius  and salinity webpages.
0.96 (The Aquarius Data Users Guide, Aquarius Data Validation Document, and other primary technical documentation; are; available from the FTP site together with reader software)
0.94 (General information regarding Aquarius/SAC-D mission; is; available from the mission website)
0.38 (Aquarius Data Validation Document; [is] Guide [of]; Aquarius Data Users)

Should you have any questions, please contact us at: [email protected]

NASA's Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity

This video provides a global tour of sea surface salinity using measurements taken by NASA's Aquarius instrument aboard the Aquarius/SAC-D spacecraft over the period September 2011 through September 2014. Red represents areas of high salinity, while blue represents areas of low salinity. Aquarius is a focused effort to measure sea surface salinity and providing the global view of salinity variability needed for climate studies. The mission has been a collaboration between NASA and the Space Agency of Argentina (Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales).
0.95 (sea surface salinity; using; measurements taken by NASA's Aquarius instrument aboard the Aquarius/SAC-D spacecraft over the period September 2011 through September 2014)
0.93 (The mission; has been; a collaboration between NASA and the Space Agency of Argentina)
0.95 Context(The mission has been,List([432, 452))):(Aquarius; is; a focused effort to measure sea surface salinity and providing the global view of salinity variability)
0.82 Context(Aquarius is The mission has been,List([289, 452))):(Red; represents; areas of high salinity)
0.88 Context(Red represents Aquarius is The mission has been,List([205, 452))):(This video; provides; a global tour of sea surface salinity using measurements)
0.91 (measurements; taken; by NASA's Aquarius instrument; T:through September 2014)
0.90 (salinity variability; needed; for climate studies)
0.54 (blue; represents; areas of low salinity)

This video is public domain and can be downloaded at:
0.93 (This video; is; public domain)
0.74 (This video; can be downloaded; L:at: