CTSM PR Expectations - ESCOMP/CTSM GitHub Wiki

Expectations for CTSM-CLM Pull Requests:

We don't expect that all contributors will be able to meet all of these requirements, but in general these are broad expectations for merging pull requests to the main development branch of the CTSM repository. Developers need to document that their code modifications.

1a. Make measurable improvements to the model (correct biases, limitations)


1b. Introduce new scientific capabilities to the code


1c. Complete code refactoring, clean-up, bug fixes or performance improvement

2a. Not break other functional parts of the model (i.e., do no harm)


2b. Only be used for for defined configurations or applications

  1. Meets CTSM-CLM coding guidelines and recommendations
  2. Pass the CTSM test suite and add new tests for the code (in collaboration with CTSM SE team)
  3. For PR's that introduce new science capabilities or improvements, include a publication (preferred), or presentations at LMWG workshop or CLM science meeting; &
  4. Include updates to documentation for the CTSM technote.

Decisions about the suitability of PRs to be integrated into the code will ultimately be made by the LMWG co-chairs, in consultation with the LMWG.

Contributors to new science PRs will be included as co-authors on overview / documentation papers of new CTSM model releases.