Value Proposition
RestaU looks to provide an innovative solution to a problem that persists due to lacking alternatives. Nowadays, when potential users want to search for new restaurants, they have to rely on generic apps that aren't focused on the problem at hand, leaving a lot to be desired. Popular map applications try to solve the restaurant problem, but end up displaying only a selection of the possibilities, along with unreliable and biased reviews. These reviews have no guarantee they come from a real person and could be easily manipulated by businesses to try to boost sales. Another way to pick a restaurant is to rely on personal recomendations, coming from friends or family, who don't necessarily have the same tastes as the one asking. In the end, a user would prefer to go to a restaurant they already know and like, than to walk around and evaluate each restaurant in order to try something new. All these alternatives take time, leave the user unsatisfied or uncomfortable, get the user lost, and cause unnecessary effort and stress.
We seek to help Uniandes area’s students and staff, so they can avoid having to go through a troubling, time-wasting process to find restaurant that satisfies their specific tastes and preferences. The enormous gastronomic offer around campus, as well as the unfamiliarity of the area for new students, are factors that could add to the strain, as well as not having enough reliable or recent information about restaurants to make an informed decision. We understand that users also have different priorities when it comes to eating out, so we'll allow them to filter by budget, quality, location, menu, or schedule. This will also let users seeking dietary variety to accurately search for new restaurants, with a diminishing risk of disappointment.
Our solution solves all these problems, by providing a unified source of up-to-date information, where users will be able to check relevant details and choose a restaurant based on their personal priorities. The information available will include average pricing, as well as the menu and the restaurant's location with instructions on how to get there. Users will be able to filter by the type of food, budget, diet restrictions, sitting arrangements, mode (pick-up or in site consume), if currently open, among others, to find the restaurant that best fits their needs. Additionally, the app will allow users to get a random restaurant from their "liked" list, avoiding the issue of choosing as a whole. All these benefits will be obtained directly through the app, without having to resort to unreliable, biased information. The solution will be also helping new restaurants grow by highlighting them, and inviting users to introduce variety to their meals.
Furthermore, the solution will improve the user's experience in multiple ways through context aware (CAS) features and smart features. As a CAS feature, the solution will adapt it's map functionality to show only the restaurants within a radius of the user choice adapting to the current position of the user. With this feature, the user will be able to narrow down the pool of restaurants, and find interesting restaurants near them at a desired distance. However, the user will still be able to increase the radius if they want to find a restaurant further away from their current position. This way, the user will be able to virtually explore their area without the risk of getting lost, wasting time or not finding a restaurant. As a smart feature, the solution will gather the user's favorite restaurant types during account creation, and based on the users selected tags, and it will recommend restaurants that aren't in his/her favorites list. With this feature, the user will find restaurants with an increased probability that they will like them, more efficiently than having to personally explore restaurants until they find one the user likes.
Colour palette
We chose the following color palette as it evokes a feeling of hunger, as is usually associated with food. But, in contrast to the color palette common in fast food, ours has a pastel aesthetic that gives a warmer feeling. Additionally to the colors shown, we will also be using white and black.
The font used throughout the app is Poppins, chosen for its modern, clean, and geometric aesthetic, which aligns with the app's overall visual identity. Its versatility allows it to be used for both display and body text, creating a cohesive look across all components. Various font weights, from light to bold, are employed to establish a clear hierarchy, ensuring both readability and effective communication. Poppins also ensures a high level of legibility across different devices and screen sizes, with attention to proper contrast for accessibility.
The previous image shows the logo of the application. This logo was conceived taking into account the primary color of the app and it's main functionalities, that's why the logo has a pin as shape (referring to the map capabilities) and inside, a fork and a spoon (To indicate the involvement of food/restaurants) joined by a U (for "University" indicating the target spaces and audiences). This is a simple logo that combines the lettermark (using letters) and pictoral (using icons: Pin, fork and spoon) types.
For the icons (which are below the logo), due to our decision to follow the Material Design system for our UI model, we also decided to use the system's icons, which as you can see are very consistent with the android system and other apps, also they look pretty simple. Given that we maintained icon consistency across the app, we will be able to define a brand and generate familiarity and confort with users.
Images and Illustrations
For images we decided to use the real images of the restaurants and dishes we will be showcasing to provide a visual aid to users for finding a restaurant and selecting the dish that is the most appealing to them. Additionally, we decided to give random pictures to users like in sites as github but using 3D avatars from the Material Desing system to maintain consistency and give the brand more personality.
UI Prototype
Navigational Patterns
In the following section we proceed to explain and show the navigational patterns of our app prototype. The prototype performs more navigational patterns than the displayed here, nevertheless, we will cover only the most relevant.
Login and Sign-Up Navigation
On this screen, users can log into the app. If they don't have an account, they can navigate to the sign-up screen to complete the registration form.
Login or Sign-Up to Preferences Page
After logging in or registering, new users are directed to the preferences screen to select their preferences. Returning users are taken directly to the main screen.
Preferences to Main Screen
After selecting their preferences, the user is directed to the app's main screen.
All Filter Buttons to Filter Screen
All screens with filter buttons navigate to the filter screen, where users can apply various filtering options.
Search Button in the Navbar to the Search Screen
When the user selects the search button in the navbar, they are directed to the search screen, where they can search for restaurants.