Brainstorming process

Before the brainstorming process, in class, we chose 4 problems that we liked and considered that we could solve during the course. This process was done through a padlet with a list of possible ideas where each could like or dislike ideas through the use of colored entries near the problems.

Possible problems

  1. University Gastronomic Offer

There are a lot of different places for eating breakfast, lunch, snacks, desserts or drink some coffee around the university. But, is there a place where to find the diverse offer? The answer is sadly negative. This hinders the possibility of people to know new places, prevents the gastronomic offer diversification and obstructs the growth of establishments with potential. Finally, nowadays the most powerful way in which a place can make itself known in the community is by voice to voice, using advertisements or being located on a concurrent place.

  1. Recycling Points in Bogotá

There are a lot of different residues that can be recycled when properly disposed. In Bogota there are several points for recycling from cables and technology wastes, to tetrapack®, or even light bulbs, yet people rarely know about them. An application that shows these locations and finds the closest one to the current location could be interesting for addressing this issue.

  1. Turn machine

Queues are annoying: one waits for some time (ranging from minutes up to hours), wasting time that could be spent on something more useful. Is there really a need for you to be there? Moreover, the user experience at that business is degraded due to the queue. On the other hand, businesses might lack insight on how well they're performing at attending the queue. Reservations and delivery models have solved this problem in many situations, but day-to-day life is still full of spontaneous queues. Sometimes, you feel like going to a restaurant or another. Sometimes opportunity arises to pick up a batch of pending drugs at a pharmacy. Through a mobile solution, queues could be virtualized, providing a better user experience with useful functionality while granting the business deeper insight into its queue-management. Although there exist some queue management systems, none of them are as quick and user-friendly as one would like. Otherwise, why do long queues still exist at dispensaries?

  1. Accesibility App

Having a disability represent a constant barrier for getting access to several services and facilities inside the Uniandes campus. In despite of the several access points and protocols defined by the campus manager is hard for handicap population to have a full knowledge of all this information and even more when you are a visitor. We propose an application that can lead people with disability to explore and know routes they can use in order to move around in the campus. For example, if you are in the Aulas building and need to get to the SD building, the app must be able to show you the shortest and safest path for you taking in consideration your limitations. User will have access to deeply descriptions of all the access points, elevators, ramps etc, so they can identify it easily. Besides this, they could leave comments for the campus managers so they can enhance the experience for handicaps inside the campus


For the 'ideate' phase of the design thinking process, we gathered the team in class to generate a large quantity of solutions with the potential of solving the problems based on the insights and validated hypotheses gathered previously in the 'define' phase. For the brainstorming processes we followed the divergence strategy to create a lot of ideas without considering if they are unrealistic or disruptive. For this, with a stack of post-its and a whiteboard, we started producing ideas within a timestamp of 15 min. During this process everybody tried keeping an open mind to avoid ruling out others' ideas.


As a result of the brainstorming process we got ourselves with a set of ideas and features that could solve different problems.

Gastronomic Offer:

  • An app for rating restaurants similar to social media where you can follow others and make posts about your visits to certain restaurants.
  • A restaurant reservation app where you reserve tables the same way you do for concerts.
  • An app with restaurants with information such as name, location, schedule, prices, menu, reviews, contact information and others.
  • An app with a catalog of all the restaurants near a location.
  • A real time catalog of restaurants near campus.
  • An app that gives you a random restaurant based on your preferences.

Recycling point locations:

  • A map with recycling points and a guide on how to dispose based on your object.
  • An app that shows the nearby recycling points and gives rewards in the app for recycling in these points.
  • App where you type a kind of trash and gives you instructions on how to dispose it.
  • DIY tutorials app where you input a recyclable waste and gives you possible ways of reusing it yourself.
  • Dynamic map that shows recycling points near your area.

Movibility for disabled people:

  • Create a catalog in real time with access points, ramps, and others in campus.
  • App that given a location, it creates a route in the university to go from one place to another focused on disabled people.
  • AR app to guide disabled people to their destiny.

Turn machine:

  • Turn app with the ability of ordering and paying.
  • App to make lines. You can join a line with a QR code. See estimated time. Get notifications when it's your turn.
  • Virtual queue app (Gives optimization analytics) (real-time updates) (Appointment integration).


  • Phone NFC for optimization in services
  • Reward system
  • Fun easter eggs in app

Decision process

Categorization of ideas

The rational choice The most likely to delight The darling The long shot
An app with restaurants with information such as name, location, schedule, prices, menu, reviews, contact information and others. An app with a catalog of all the restaurants near a location. An app that gives you a random restaurant based on your preferences. A restaurant reservation app where you reserve tables the same way you do for concerts.
AR app to guide disabled people to their destiny.
A map with recycling points and a guide on how to dispose based on your object. Virtual queue app (Gives optimization analytics) (real-time updates) (Appointment integration). A real-time catalog of restaurants near campus. Phone NFC for optimization in services.
Reward system.
Dynamic map that shows recycling points near your area. An app that shows the nearby recycling points and gives rewards in the app for recycling in these points. An app for rating restaurants similar to social media where you can follow others and make posts about your visits to certain restaurants. Fun easter eggs in app.
Turn app with the ability of ordering and paying.
DIY tutorials app where you input a recyclable waste and gives you possible ways of reusing it yourself. App to make lines. You can join a line with a QR code. See estimated time. Get notifications when it's your turn. App that given a location, it creates a route in the university to go from one place to another focused on disabled people. App where you type a kind of trash and gives you instructions on how to dispose it.
Create a catalog in real time with access points, ramps, and others in campus.


For the decision process we used the convergence strategy. We realized that there were lots of ideas to vote for, and noticed that some ideas where repeated or tackled similar issues. Consequently, we grouped these ideas and then proceeded with the voting process. In the following image you can observe the grouped ideas:


As you might also observe in the image, for the next part of the convergence process, each team member voted for 3 ideas. By doing the voting process we were able to rule out longshot (ideas with great risk and great rewards) or darling (likely to do because of personal preferences) ideas and concentrate on the rational (most feasible and achievable) and likely to delight (will engage the most) choices.

This process left us with the following ideas:

  • An app with a catalog that shows access points, ramps and others. Also, given a location it will show you the route of how to reach a place if you are disabled.
  • An app for rating restaurants similar to social media where you can follow others and make posts about your visits to certain restaurants.
  • An app with restaurants with information such as name, location, schedule, prices, menu, reviews, contact information and others. It would also show the restaurants near your location in campus.
  • An app that gives you a random restaurant based on your preferences.
  • Virtual queue app (Gives optimization analytics) (real-time updates) (Appointment integration). You can join a line with a QR code. See estimated time. Get notifications when it's your turn.
  • DIY tutorials app where you input a recyclable waste and gives you possible ways of how to reuse it yourself.

Having voted and reduced the solution set, a new round of voting was done where each member had only one vote, this left us with just 2 ideas as you can see in the following image.


The resulting ideas where the following:

  • Virtual queue app (Gives optimization analytics) (real-time updates) (Appointment integration). You can join a line with a QR code. See estimated time. Get notifications when it's your turn.
  • An app with restaurants with information such as name, location, schedule, prices, menu, reviews, contact information and others. It would also show the restaurants near your location in campus.

To end with the whole convergence process we made a final voting round to decide between the previously mentioned 2 ideas.


The idea chosen to work this semester was an app with information on a list of nearby restaurants such as schedule, type, description, reviews, menu, prices, location and others. Nevertheless we took the idea of having a feature that shows you a random restaurant based on your preferences because we thought it would be a great addition to the chosen idea.


Smart features

After deciding the idea for the semester, we developed a similar brainstorming process but for the purpose of finding interesting smart features to include in the app that we are going to develop. As with the brainstorming process for solutions, we began writing down ideas in post its (this time online using without thinking about if they might be unrealistic or longshots.


As seen in the image we came up with 8 ideas which are the following:

  1. Recommended restaurants based on the restaurants that the user has liked.
  2. Show only the restaurants in a radius surrounding the user.
  3. Sort reviews based on the important factors for the user.
  4. Profile recommendations based on users with similar tastes as yours.
  5. Random restaurant selector based on filters that narrow down the search pool.
  6. Show restaurant proximity.
  7. Interactive Maps with Real-Time Offers and Events
  8. Dynamic Menu Suggestions Based on Current Weather and Time of Day

We classified this ideas in 4 categories as seen below.

The rational choice The most likely to delight The darling The long shot
Show only the restaurants in a radius surrounding the user Recommended restaurants based on the restaurants that the user has liked Random restaurant selector based on filters that narrow down the search pool Dynamic Menu Suggestions Based on Current Weather and Time of Day
Show restaurant proximity Profile recommendations based on users with similar tastes as yours
Sort reviews based on the important factors for the user Interactive Maps with Real-Time Offers and Events

With this ideas in mind we proceeded with a voting process. Similarly to what we did with the solution ideas, each had 3 votes and voted for the ideas that each liked the most considering if they were rational, likely to delight, darling, or a longshot idea.


As seen in the image, the top 3 voted features were:

  1. Recommended restaurants based on the restaurants that the user has liked.
  2. Interactive Maps with Real-Time Offers and Events
  3. Show only the restaurants in a radius surrounding the user.

XY empathy maps



Empatia map_2024-08-22_21-46-32

Empathy map - Luis Felipe Torres

Empathy map Juan


YX personas

persona1 drawio


persona angela

Solution description

We are developing a way to solve the problem of the lack of a centralized source of information regarding the restaurant offer near the university. We focus on students near the Uniandes area, with the purpose of reducing their time used on choosing restaurants, while introducing variety to their options. It is also important to us to help students take care of their budget, and to give new restaurants the chance to flourish, leading to fresh and more enjoyable meals.

Our solution will compile the information of restaurants near the uniandes area and present their details, to aid in the restaurant picking process. This way the user will be able to easily check all the options and make a quick but informed decision. Also, it will give the user the whole scope of options and help them with certain tasks, such as finding the route to the restaurant or other relevant information (menu, reviews, schedules, contact information, etc.). This will lead to more satisfaction at the moment of going to the chosen restaurants, and avoid situations like going to a closed restaurant, not liking the food they sell and consequently, wasting time.

Among the restaurant details the user can check the menu to plan their budget, and choose what better fits their needs. The app will highlight new restaurants to help them grow by and inviting users to try them. The users will also be able to filter restaurants by certain criteria like: average price, seating arrangement, type of food or user ratings. Additionally, the user can use a randomizer to pick a restaurant for them, removing the burden of having to choose. On the other hand, the solution also allows users to interact with each other by sharing reviews and by displaying their favorite restaurants in their profile. Before visiting a restaurant, a user will be able to see their friends' thoughts about it and they will also be able to share their own reviews for their friends to see.

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