General Calendar - EMbeDS-education/ComputingDataAnalysisModeling20242025 GitHub Wiki


The general calendar of the courses is provided below (or will be made available here when ready).

  • The courses are planned to be run both in the first (end of 2024) and second (beginning of 2025) semesters of academic year 2024/2025

Tentative preliminary schedule


ASM: Applied Statistical Modeling. Chiara Seghieri and Claudio Mazzi, 20h

  • First semester: 14.11.2024 - 11.12.2024, 20h (lectures and practicum), 4 weeks.

The course aims at providing students with methodological and applied background on statistical models for analysing data with different types of response variables. The course has a practice-oriented approach with applications in the context of social sciences and practical examples using R software.

ASM Calendar:

Date Time Topic (may change according to pace of classes) Location
14/11 15-17 Introduction to the course and to linear regression Centrale, Aula 2
19/11 14-17 Linear regression: model diagnostics, multiple linear regression Alliata, Aula 1
25/11 17-20 GLM introduction, logit model Maffi, Aula 2
29/11 14-17 Probit model, ordinal logit and probit Centrale, Aula 2
3/12 17-20 Poisson regression and other GLMs Alliata, Aula 1
9/12 14-17 Random effect models Alliata, Aula 1
11/12 14-17 Recap and applications Centrale, Aula 4


PDAI: Programming & Data Analytics & AI. Andrea Vandin, 40h

  • Module 1, First semester, 20h (14h lectures, 6h practicum), 3 weeks,
  • Module 2-PM, Second semester, 20h (14h lectures, 6h practicum), 3 weeks,


Class Date Time Topic (may change according to pace of classes) Location
1 MON 11/11/24 15:00-17:00 2 hours Introduction Console I/O & Variables Sede centrale, Aula Magna
2 FRI 15/11/24 15:00-18:00, 3 hours Data types & operations Boyl, Sala conferenze
3 MON 18/11/24 14:00-17:00, 3 hours Collections & First taste of plots Sede centrale, Aula 3
4 FRI 22/11/24 14:00-17:00, 3 hours Control statements (if, loops) CSV manipulation of COVID-19 data Sede centrale, Aula 3
5 WED 27/11/24 14:00-17:00, 3 hours Functions Creation of wordclouds from online news Sede centrale, Aula 3
6 THU 28/11/24 14:00-17:00, 3 hours Modules & Exceptions & OOP Applications to economic ABM models Maffi, Aula 14
7 FRI 29/11/24 14:00-17:00, 3 hours Brief intro to Advanced libraries for data manipulation (NumPy & Pandas) Application to COVID-19 and Financial data Sede centrale, Aula Magna


The calendar of PDAI PM may be subject to change

Class Date Time Topic (may change according to pace of classes) Location
1 Mon 05/02/25 16:00-18:00 Introduction to Process-oriented Data Science Sede centrale, Aula 3
2 Fri 07/02/25 14:00-16:00 TBD Sede centrale, Aula 4
3 Mon 10/02/25 14:00-17:00 TBD Via Maffi, Aula L'EMbeDS
4 Fri 12/02/25 14:00-17:00 TBD Sede centrale, Aula 3
5 Mon 17/02/25 14:00-17:00 TBD Via Maffi, Aula L'EMbeDS
6 Fri 19/02/25 14:00-17:00 TBD Boyl, Aula 3
7 Mon 24/02/25 15:00-17:00 TBD Via Maffi, Aula L'EMbeDS
8 Wed 28/02/25 15:00-17:00 TBD Sede centrale, Aula 3


SLLD: Statistical Learning & Large Data. Francesca Chiaromonte, 40h

  • Module 1, Second semester, 20h (14h lectures, 6h practicum), 3 weeks,
  • Module 2, Second semester, 20h (14h lectures, 6h practicum), 3 weeks


Class Date Time Topic Lecturer Location
1 05/02/25 14:00-16:00 Intro, Clustering Chiaromonte Sede Centrale, Aula 3
2 06/02/25 16:00-19:00 Clustering Chiaromonte Sede Centrale, Aula 3
3 07/02/25 16:00-19:00 Principal Components Chiaromonte Sede Centrale, Aula 4
4 13/02/25 16:00-19:00 Classification Chiaromonte Sede Centrale, Aula 3
5 14/02/25 16:00-19:00 Non-parametrics, Smoothing Chiaromonte Sede Centrale, Aula 2
6 20/02/25 16:00-19:00 Cross Validation Chiaromonte Via Maffi, Aula L'EMbeDS
7 21/02/25 16:00-19:00 Resampling Chiaromonte Via Maffi, Aula L'EMbeDS


Class Date Time Topic Lecturer Location
1 05/03/25 14:00-16:00 Review Linear and Generalized Linear Models Chiaromonte Sede Centrale, Aula 3
2 06/03/25 16:00-19:00 Ridge and LASSO Chiaromonte Via Maffi, Aula L'EMbeDS
3 07/03/25 16:00-19:00 Feature Selection Chiaromonte Via Maffi, Aula L'EMbeDS
4 13/03/25 16:00-19:00 Supervised Dimension Reduction Chiaromonte Sede Centrale, Aula 3
5 14/03/25 16:00-19:00 Feature Screening in Ultra-high Dimension Chiaromonte Sede Centrale, Aula 3
6 20/03/25 16:00-19:00 Subsampling, Partitioning and Rebalancing Chiaromonte Sede Centrale, Aula 2
7 21/03/25 16:00-19:00 Reducing, Selecting and Leveraging Structure Chiaromonte Sede Centrale, Aula 3
Exam 09/05/25 15:00-19:00 Project Presentations and Discussion Chiaromonte Via Maffi, Aula L'EMbeDS


DMPD: Dynamic models for panel data. Laura Magazzini, 10h

  • Second semester, 10h, 2 weeks.