Vehicle lock ability - ELifeRPG/ArmA-Reforger GitHub Wiki


This feature enables the unlocking and locking of vehicles using a physical key. Furthermore, the trunk can no longer be opened when the vehicle is locked. If the user does not have a key in the inventory, he cannot unlock and lock the vehicle, but also cannot start the engine.



  • The component ELIFE_VehicleLockComponent does not need to be added, as it has already been added to the Vehicle_Base prefab.
  • The component ELIFE_VehicleKeyComponent does not need to be added, as it has already been added to the key prefab.
  • User Actions:
    • User Actions for GetIn, SwitchSeat, OpenVehicleStorage and Engine don't have to be changed, as these are overwritten.
    • User Action for lock and unlock must be added like this:
      1. Open ActionsManagerComponent inside vehicle prefab (copy or overwrite)
      2. Drag ELIFE_VehicleLockAction from ELifeRPG > Configs > UserActions onto Additional Actions.
      3. Fill Parent Context List with desired Action Contexts (e.g. door_r01, door_l01 and starter_switch)