Sideboards - EFeru/hoverboard-firmware-hack-FOC GitHub Wiki

2 custom firmwares are available for flashing the sideboards that are coming with the hoverboard mainboards.

Those sideboards handle:

  • Leds 1/2/3 to show battery status for any variant except the transpotter variant
  • Led 5 for reverse and braking with Hovercar variant
  • Optical sensors that can let you turn on/off some of the features (e.g. Hovercar variant )
  • RC receiver with iBUS protocol can be connected to the AUX serial Rx pin (Hovercar variant)
  • An Inertial Measurement Unit that is meant to be used with the Hoverboard variant ( ⚠️ The balancing is not implemented yet ⚠️ )

Those are not meant to control motors.

The GD firmware can be used on boards with following chips:

  • GD32F130C6T6
  • GD32F130C8T6

The STM firmware can be used on boards with following chips:

  • STM32F103C8T6
  • GD32F103C8T6

⚠️ Don't mix mainboards and sideboards that don't belong together unless you checked the polarity on the connectors is not reversed ⚠️

Those boards can have different IMUs, not all are fully supported:

IMU Datasheet Raw
MPU6050 Link ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
MPU6050C ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ same as MPU6050C?
MPU6052C Link ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
MPU6050A Link ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ It's actually an ICM-20689
Raw data available if DMP disabled in config.h
ICM-20618 Link ✔️

The Digital Motion Processor handles the calculation of Euler Angles and Quaternions.

If you find a board with a different IMU, please use the debug variant and try:

  • a command : you should see raw Accelerometer data, if you see non zero data, it proves the firmware supports the Accelerometer
  • g command : you should see raw Gyroscope data, if you see non zero data, it proves the firmare supports the Gyroscope
  • e command : you should see Euler angles, if you see non zero data, it proves the firmware supports the DMP

Please share your findings so that we can enrich the wiki.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️