Variables - EDCD/EDDI GitHub Wiki

EDDI Variables

EDDI provides many variables that can be used to help provide immersive scripts and more interesting. Most variables are held as objects that are exposed from EDDI. Access to the property of the object is using a period, for example - would obtain the name - value from the cmdr - object.

EDDI can also have event-specific variables in the event object. These usually come from external sources and so are not part of the standard objects, although they might reference them.

Details of the objects available are as follows:

Game state

Information on game state is available at the top level i.e. these values can be accessed directly.

  • environment - the commander's current environment. Can be one of "Docked", "Landed", "Normal space", "Supercruise" or "Witch space"
  • horizons - true when the game version includes 'Horizons' content
  • odyssey - true when the game version includes 'Odyssey' content
  • vehicle - the vehicle that is under the commander's control. Can be one of "Ship", "SRV", "Fighter", "Taxi", "Multicrew", or "On Foot"

EDDI states

  • capi_active - true when the companion API is active
  • icao_active - true if ICAO is currently enabled
  • ipa_active - true if phonetic speech ssml tags are currently enabled
  • va_active - true when the Voice Attack plug-in is active
  • version - the version level of EDDI which is currently running


Commander information is available under the cmdr object.

Any values might be missing, depending on EDDI's configuration.

  • name - the commander's name
  • phoneticname - the commander's name, using any phonetic pronunciation that has been set and is supported by the current voice
  • combatrating - the current combat rating of the commander (this is a Rating object)
  • traderating - the current trade rating of the commander (this is a Rating object)
  • explorationrating - the exploration combat rating of the commander (this is a Rating object)
  • empirerating - the current Empire rating of the commander (this is a Rating object)
  • federationrating - the current Federation rating of the commander (this is a Rating object)
  • mercenaryrating - the current Mercenary rating of the commander (this is a Rating object)
  • exobiologistrating - the current Exobiologist rating of the commander (this is a Rating object)
  • credits - the number of credits the commander owns
  • debt - the amount of debt the commander owes
  • gender - the gender of the commander, as selected in EDDI's configuration (string, either 'Male', 'Female' or 'Neither')
  • squadronname - the name of the commander's squadron
  • squadronid - the ID of the commander's squadron
  • squadronrank - the current squadron rank of the commander (this is a Rating object)
  • squadronallegiance - the superpower allegiance of the commander's squadron (use
  • squadronpower - the power (e.g. Aisling Duval) to which the commander's squadron pledges fealty (use
  • squadronfaction - the faction within the squadron system to which the commander's squadron is aligned
  • friends - the commander's friends observed during the play session (this is a list of Friend objects)
  • engineers - the commander's relations with engineers, including any ranks or progression recorded during the play session (this is a list of Engineer objects)
  • power - (if pledged) the power which the commander serves


An engineer object

  • name - the name of the engineer
  • systemname - the name of the star system at which the engineer resides
  • stationname - the name of the station at which the engineer resides
  • rank - the rank of your relationship with the engineer
  • stage - the current stage of your relations with the engineer (e.g. Invited/Known/Unlocked/Barred)
  • rankprogress - the percentage towards your next rank with the engineer
  • majorspecialties - the major specialties of the engineer
  • minorspecialties - the minor specialties of the engineer


A friend object.

  • name - the name of the friend
  • status - the status of the friend (one of the following: Requested, Declined, Added, Lost, Offline, Online)


A rating, for example a combat rating or empire rating.

  • rank - the numeric rank of the rating, for example 0
  • name - the name of the rating, for example 'Harmless'
  • femininename - the feminine name of the rating, for example 'Baroness', if it differs. Otherwise null / not set


The event that triggered the speech responder. Information held in here is event-specific. The event specific variables can be found by clicking on the 'Variables' button while editing an event related script and accessing the appropriate values of the event - object.


The inventory of cargo carried within the ship is available under the inventory object.

  • inventory - specific details on the cargo being carried
  • cargoCarried - total tons of cargo carried


Details of an individual commodity being carried.

  • name - name of the cargo (e.g. Tea)
  • commodity - object containing commodity details
  • category - category of the commodity (e.g. Foods, Machinery, Technology)
  • owned - number of units privately purchased or collected (not stolen or mission related)
  • stolen - number of units flagged as stolen
  • haulage - number of units associated with a mission
  • total - total number of units
  • need - number of units needed to satisfy all mission requirements associated with cargo
  • price - price of an individual unit


A commodity.

  • name - the name of the commodity (e.g. Tea)
  • category - the category of the commodity (e.g. Foods, Machinery, Technology)
  • rare - the rarity of the commodity (boolean true or false)

Additional properties may become available in station, via station.commodities.[property]
(see Commodity sale check and Commodity purchase check for sample usages).

  • buyprice - the price to purchase the commodity from the market
  • sellprice - the price being offered for the commodity in the market
  • avgprice - the average price offered for this commodity in a legal market
  • stock - the amount of the commodity available from the market
  • demand - the demand for the commodity from the market


A material.

  • name - the name of the material (e.g. Iron)
  • category - the category of the material (Element, Data or Manufactured)
  • location - typical locations where the material can be found
  • rarity - the rarity of the material
  • blueprints - the blueprints for which the material is used (this is an array of blueprint objects)
  • bodyname - the body name with the highest known concentration of the material within the specified system (only available when using the MaterialDetails() function)
  • bodyshortname - the shortened body name with the highest known concentration of the material within the specified system (only available when using the MaterialDetails() function)


An engineering blueprint.

  • name - the name of the blueprint (e.g. 'heavy duty')
  • grade - the grade of the engineering blueprint (e.g. 'grade 4')
  • materials - the materials required to produce the blueprint (a list of items with material and amount keys for each item)


A rarity rating.

  • name - the name of the rarity (e.g. Very common)
  • level - the level of the rarity (0 == Very common, 5 == Very rare)


The log of missions accepted by the commander is available under the missions object.

  • missions - list of missions within the commander's mission log'
  • missionsCount - the number of all accepted missions
  • missionWarning - the number of minutes before mission expiry in which a warning notification is generated


Details of an individual mission in the commander's mission log.

  • missionid - unique identifier ID of the mission
  • name - name of mission
  • localisedname - localised name of the mission
  • tags - localized tags (altruism, delivery, massacre, etc) describing the mission, as a list
  • invariantTags - invariant tags (altruism, delivery, massacre, etc) describing the mission, as a list
  • status - localized status (active, complete, failed) of the mission
  • faction - name of the faction issuing the mission
  • originsystem - origin system of the mission
  • originstation - origin station of the mission
  • originreturn - true if the commander must return to origin to complete the mission
  • destinationsystem - destination system of the mission (if applicable)
  • destinationstation - destination station of the mission (if applicable)
  • destinationsystems - list of destination systems for chained missions (if applicable)
  • influence - increase in the faction's influence in the system gained when completing the mission (None/Low/Med/High)
  • reputation - increase in the commander's reputation with the faction gained when completing the mission (None/Low/Med/High)
  • reward - expected cash reward from the mission
  • legal - true if the mission is legal
  • wing - true if the mission allows wing-mates
  • shared - true if the mission was shared by a wing-mate
  • communal - true if the mission is a community goal
  • commodity - commodity involved in the mission (if applicable)
  • passengertype - localized type of passengers (celebrity, doctor, etc) in the mission (if applicable)
  • passengervips - true if the passengers are VIPs (if applicable)
  • passengerwanted - true if the passengers are wanted
  • target - name of the target of the mission (if applicable)
  • targettype - localized type of the target (civilian, pirate, etc) of the mission (if applicable)
  • targetfaction - name of the faction of the target of the mission (if applicable)
  • amount - amount of the commodity, passengers or targets involved in the mission (if applicable)
  • expiry - expiry date and time of the mission
  • expiryseconds - amount of seconds remaining before mission expiration
  • sourcesystem - the system where the mission cargo has been found, as applicable
  • sourcebody - the body or station where the mission cargo has been found, as applicable
  • collected - the quantity of mission cargo which has been collected at a cargo depot
  • delivered - the quantity of mission cargo which has been delivered to a cargo depot

Crime & Punishment

The criminal record and derived properties of commander is available under the criminalrecord object.

  • criminalrecord - list of minor faction records, detailing bond & bounty claims, and fine and bounties incurred
  • claims - total credits for all unredeemed bond and bounty rewards
  • fines - total credits for all unpaid fines incurred
  • bounties - total credits for all unpaid bounties incurred
  • orbitalpriority - true when orbital stations are prioritized over planetary for station selection
  • shiptargets - list of ships targeted within the current system.


Details of individual faction records, within the criminalrecord object

  • faction - name of the minor faction
  • allegiance - superpower to which the minor faction is aligned
  • system - faction presence determined by minor faction name or highest influence
  • station - station nearest to main star, filtered by landing pad & ship size
  • claims - total credits for minor faction's uncollected bond and bounty rewards
  • fines - total credits for minor faction's unpaid fines incurred
  • bounties - total credits for minor faction's unpaid bounties incurred
  • bondsAwarded - list of individual faction reports for uncollected bonds awarded
  • bountiesAwarded - list of individual faction reports for uncollected bounties awarded
  • finesIncurred - list of individual faction reports for unpaid fines incurred
  • bountiesIncurred - list of individual faction reports for unpaid bounties incurred


Details of individual minor faction reports, within the FactionRecord object.

  • bounty - true if bounty awarded or incurred
  • shipId - ship ID in which the 'criminal' event occurred
  • crime - localized type of crime committed, 'None' when report is a claim
  • system - system in which the 'criminal' event occurred
  • station - nearby station (null if no station nearby)
  • body - nearby body (null if no body nearby)
  • victim - victim faction
  • amount - credits awarded or incurred


Details of ship target data, within the shiptargets object.

  • name - name of the pilot
  • rank - rank of the pilot
  • ship - model of the ship
  • faction - name of the minor faction
  • allegiance - superpower to which the minor faction is aligned
  • power - power ( Aisling Duval, Yuri Grom, Denton Patreus, etc) to which the pilot is pledged
  • legalstatus - the legal status (clean, enemy, wanted, warrant, etc) of the pilot
  • bounty - total amount of bounties assigned to the pilot

Fleet Carrier

Details of the commander's fleet carrier (if purchased) are available within the carrier object. Data is primarily updated from the Carrier stats event and Frontier API data is integrated (if the Frontier API is enabled) after select carrier events.

  • name - The name of the carrier
  • callsign - The callsign (alphanumeric designation) of the carrier
  • currentStarSystem - The current location (star system) of the carrier
  • nextStarSystem - The next scheduled location (star system) of the carrier, if any
  • fuel - The last reported tritium fuel level of the carrier
  • fuelInCargo - The last reported amount of stored tritium held in the carrier's cargo (requires Frontier API access)
  • state - The carrier's current operating state (requires Frontier API access) (one of 'normalOperation', 'debtState' (if services are offline due to lack of funds), or 'pendingDecomission')
  • dockingAccess - The carrier's last reported docking access (one of one of 'all', 'squadronfriends', 'friends', or 'none')
  • notoriousAccess - True if the last reported state permits docking access by notorious commanders
  • usedCapacity - The last reported total used capacity of the carrier
  • freeCapacity - The last reported free capacity of the carrier
  • bankBalance - The last reported total bank balance of the carrier
  • bankReservedBalance - The last reported reserved bank balance of the carrier
  • bankAvailableBalance - The last reported available bank balance of the carrier


Details of any available commander records from, within the inaracmdr object. Some values may be missing, depending on the completeness of the records and on the commander's sharing settings on

  • username - The commander's Inara username
  • commandername - The commander name
  • commanderranks - The commander's last reported ranks (this is a list of inaracmdrranks objects)
  • preferredallegiance - The commander's last reported preferred allegiance
  • preferredpower - The commander's last reported preferred allegiance
  • squadron - The commander's last reported Inara squadron (this is an inaracmdrsquadron object)
  • preferredrole - The commander's last reported in-game role
  • url - The url of the commander's profile on


  • rank - The name of the rank
  • rankvalue - The rank as an integer value
  • progress - The process which has been made toward's the commander's next advancement in the rank


  • name - The commander's last reported squadron name
  • memberscount - The commander's squadron's last reported membership count
  • squadronrank - The commander's last reported rank with their Inara squadron
  • url - The url of the commander's squadron's profile on


Information about your current ship is available under the ship object. Any values might be missing, depending on EDDI's configuration.

  • manufacturer - the manufacturer of the ship (Lakon, Core Dynamics etc)
  • model - the model of the ship (Cobra Mk III, Fer-de-Lance etc)
  • size - the size of the ship (small/medium/large)
  • value - the value of the ship without cargo, in credits
  • hullvalue - The value of the ship's hull (less modules), in credits
  • modulesvalue - The value of the ship's modules (less hull), in credits
  • hot - true if the ship is wanted
  • rebuy - The rebuy value of the ship, in credits
  • cargocapacity - the total tonnage cargo capacity
  • name - the name of the ship
  • phoneticname - the name of the ship, using any phonetic pronunciation that has been set and is supported by the current voice
  • phoneticmodel - the model of the ship, using any phonetic pronunciation that has been set and is supported by the current voice
  • phoneticmanufacturer - the manufacturer of the ship, using any phonetic pronunciation that has been set and is supported by the current voice
  • ident - the identifier of the ship
  • role - the role of the ship
  • health - the last reported health of the hull, from 0 to 100
  • bulkheads - details of the ship's bulkheads (this is a Module object)
  • powerplant - details of the ship's powerplant (this is a Module object)
  • thrusters - details of the ship's thrusters (this is a Module object)
  • frameshiftdrive - details of the ship's FSD (this is a Module object)
  • lifesupport - details of the ship's life support (this is a Module object)
  • powerdistributor - details of the ship's power distributor (this is a Module object)
  • sensors - details of the ship's sensors (this is a Module object)
  • fueltank - details of the ship's fuel tank (this is a Module object)
  • fueltankcapacity - the capacity of the main fuel tank
  • fueltanktotalcapacity - the capacity of the main fuel tank plus all secondary fuel tanks
  • maxjumprange - maximum unladen jump range of the ship
  • maxfuelperjump - fuel required for a maximum range jump (excluding synthesis)
  • hardpoints - the ship's hardpoints (this is an array of HardPoint objects)
  • compartments - the ship's internal compartments (this is an array of Compartment objects)
  • launchbays - the ship's internal hangars, containing SRV or Fighter 'vehicles' (this is an array of launchbay objects)

Stored ship information

  • starsystem - system in which the ship is stored
  • station - station in which the ship is stored
  • marketid - market ID of the station in which the ship is stored
  • distance - the distance to the stored ship, in light years
  • intransit - true if the ship is in transit
  • transferprice - price to transfer ship to current location (0 if in transit)
  • transfertime - time to transfer ship to current location (0 if in transit)

Jump detail

  • distance - distance of jump range
  • jumps - number of jumps for given range


The inventory of ships mothballed and available under the shipyard object.

  • shipyard - a list of ships available using the ship object.


An internal module.

  • name - localized name of the module
  • class - numeric class of the module
  • grade - character grade of the module
  • value - base value of the module
  • cost - amount of credits paid for the module
  • hot - true if the module is/was installed in a hot ship
  • modified - true if has been engineering modified
  • modification - localized name of the engineering modification
  • engineerlevel - (int) level of engineer modification applied (1-5)
  • engineerquality - (decimal) quality of the engineer modification at the present level (0-1)
  • enabled - true if the module is currently enabled
  • priority - current power priority of the module
  • position - position of module in 'Modules' panel, according to power usage (highest = 1)
  • power - power usage, measured in MegaWatts (MW)
  • health - last reported health of the module
  • mount - only for weapons, this defines the type of mount (fixed, gimballed, turreted)
  • clipcapacity - only for weapons with ammunition, this defines the clip capacity of the loaded weapon
  • hoppercapacity - only for weapons with ammunition, this defines the hopper capacity of the loaded weapon
  • ammoinclip - amount of ammo loaded in the clip at time of 'Loadout' event
  • ammoinhopper - amount of ammo loaded in the hopper at time of 'Loadout' event


The inventory of modules stored at various stations and available under the storedmodules object.

  • storedmodules - a list of stored modules available using the storedmodule object.


A module stored at a station.

  • name - localized name of the module
  • module - module definition (this is a Module object)
  • system - system in which the module is stored
  • station - station in which the module is stored
  • marketid - market ID of the station in which the module is stored
  • intransit - true if the module is in transit
  • transfercost - cost to transfer ship to current location (0 if in transit)
  • transfertime - time to transfer ship to current location (0 if in transit)


A harpoint, which may or may not contain a module.

  • size - the numeric size of the hardpoint, from 0 (utility) to 4 (huge)
  • module - the module in the hardpoint


A compartment, which may or may not contain a module.

  • size - the numeric size of the compartment, from 1 to 8
  • module - the module in the compartment


An SRV or Fighter, within an associated launchbay.

  • name - the name of the vehicle, for example 'F63 Condor'
  • loadout - the loadout of the vehicle, for example 'Starter' for SRV or 'Gelid' for Fighter
  • mount - only for Fighters, this defines the type of mount ('F' = fixed, 'G' = gimballed)
  • rebuilds - the number of rebuilds remaining for the vehicle


An SRV or Fighter hangar.

  • type - the of launchbay, 'SRV' of 'Fighter'
  • size - the numeric size of the launchbay
  • vehicles - the vehicles within the launchbay (this is an array of vehicle objects)


Current starsystem

Information about your current starsystem is available under the system object.

Any values might be missing, depending on EDDI's configuration and the information available about the system.

  • systemname - the name of the starsystem
  • population - the population of the starsystem
  • allegiance - the superpower allegiance of this starsystem (Federation, Empire etc)
  • government - the type of government in this starsystem (Democracy, Confederacy etc)
  • faction - the name of the dominant faction in this starsystem
  • factions - the starsystem's factions (array of Faction objects)
  • primaryeconomy - the primary economy in this starsystem (High Technology, Agriculture, etc)
  • state - the state of the starsystem (Boom, War, etc)
  • security - the level of security in the starsystem (Low, Medium, High)
  • power - the power who is controlling the starsystem (Edmund Mahon, Zachary Hudson etc)
  • powerstate - the state of the system for the power (controlled, contested etc)
  • x - the X co-ordinate of the starsystem
  • y - the Y co-ordinate of the starsystem
  • z - the Z co-ordinate of the starsystem
  • stations - the starsystem's stations (array of Station objects)
  • planetarystations - the starsystem's stations, filtered to only return planetary stations (array of Station objects)
  • orbitalstations - the starsystem's stations, filtered to only return orbital stations (array of Station objects)
  • bodies - the starsystem's bodies (array of Body objects)
  • visits - the number of visits that the commander has made to this starsystem
  • lastVisitSeconds - the time that the commander last visited this starsystem, expressed as a Unix timestamp in seconds
  • distancefromhome - the distance in LY from the commander's home starsystem
  • comment - any comment the commander has made on the starsystem
  • updatedat - the timestamp at which the system information was last updated, expressed as a Unix timestamp in seconds
  • requirespermit - (If using SystemDetails()) Whether this system requires a permit (as a boolean)
  • permitname - (If using SystemDetails()) The name of the permit required for visiting this system, if any
  • signalsources - a list of signals detected within the starsystem (for the current starsystem only)
  • carriersignalsources - a list of signals detected within the starsystem, filtered to only return fleet carrier signals (for the current star system only)
  • surfaceelements - the elements available from bodies in this starsystem (as an array of material names)
  • isgreen - true if bodies in this starsystem contain all elements required for FSD synthesis
  • isgold - true if bodies in this starsystem contain all elements available from surface prospecting
  • estimatedvalue - the estimated exploration value of the starsystem (includes bonuses for fully scanning and mapping)
  • totalbodies - the total number of discoverable bodies within the system (only available after a discovery scan)
  • scannedbodies - the total number of bodies you have scanned within the system
  • mappedbodies - the total number of bodies you have mapped within the system
  • scoopable - true if a fuel scoop equipped ship can refuel at at least one star in this starsystem
  • reserves - the reserve level of the system

Last starsystem

Information about your last starsystem is available under the lastsystem object.

Any values might be missing, depending on EDDI's configuration and the information avaialable about the system.

Values are the same as for the current starsystem.

Next starsystem

Information about your next targeted starsystem is available under the nextsystem object. When you begin a jump to a targeted system, the information is transferred to the current system - object.

Any values might be missing, depending on EDDI's configuration and the information available about the system.

Values are the same as for the current starsystem.

Destination starsystem

Information about your destination starsystem is available under the destinationsystem object.

Any values might be missing, depending on EDDI's configuration and the information available about the system.

Values are the same as for the current starsystem.

When a destination is set, the following additional top level object is made available:

  • destinationdistance the distance in LY from the current starsystem to the commander's destination starsystem

Home starsystem

Information about your home starsystem is available under the homesystem object.

Any values might be missing, depending on EDDI's configuration and the information available about the system.

Values are the same as for the current starsystem.

Squadron starsystem

Information about your squadron starsystem is available under the squadronsystem object.

Any values might be missing, depending on EDDI's configuration and the information available about the system.

Values are the same as for the current starsystem.


A star or planet. Any values might be missing, depending on EDDI's configuration and the information available about the body.

All bodies have the following data:

  • bodytype - the type of the body (Star, Planet, or Moon)
  • systemname - the name of the system in which this body resides
  • bodyname - the name of the body
  • shortname - the shortened name of the body
  • distance - the distance from the arrival point in the system, in light seconds
  • tidallylocked - true if the body is tidally locked to its parent
  • temperature - the surface temperature of the body, in Kelvin
  • radius - the radius of the body, in km
  • rings - (when applicable) (an array of ring objects)
  • scanned - a unix timestamp (seconds since January 01 1970 UTC) value that is set when the body is scanned and unset otherwise.
  • mapped - a unix timestamp (seconds since January 01 1970 UTC) value that is set when the body is mapped and unset otherwise.
  • alreadydiscovered - whether another commander has already submitted a scan of the body to Universal Cartographics (scan required to fill this value)
  • alreadymapped - whether another commander has already submitted mapping data for the body to Universal Cartographics (scan required to fill this value)
  • estimatedvalue - the current estimated value of the body, taking into account scans and mapping.
  • maxestimatedvalue - the estimated maximum obtainable value of the body, assuming efficient mapping.
  • periapsis - the argument of periapsis of the body, in degrees (as applicable)
  • tilt - the axial tilt of the body, in degrees (as applicable)
  • eccentricity - the orbital eccentricity of the body (as applicable)
  • inclination - the orbital inclination of the body, in degrees (as applicable)
  • orbitalperiod - the orbital period of the body, in days (as applicable)
  • rotationalperiod - the rotational period of the body, in days (as applicable)
  • semimajoraxis - the semi-major axis of the body's orbit, in light seconds (as applicable)
  • density - the average density of the body, in kilograms per cubic meter
  • massprobability - the cumulative probability describing the body's mass, relative to other bodies of the same planet type or stellar class.
  • radiusprobability - the cumulative probability describing the body's radius, relative to other bodies of the same planet type or stellar class.
  • tempprobability - the cumulative probability describing the body's temperature, relative to other bodies of the same planet type or stellar class.
  • orbitalperiodprobability - the cumulative probability describing the body's orbital period, relative to other bodies of the same planet type or stellar class.
  • semimajoraxisprobability - the cumulative probability describing the body's semi-major axis, relative to other bodies of the same planet type or stellar class.
  • eccentricityprobability - the cumulative probability describing the body's orbital eccentricity, relative to other bodies of the same planet type or stellar class.
  • inclinationprobability - the cumulative probability describing the body's orbital inclination, relative to other bodies of the same planet type or stellar class.
  • periapsisprobability - the cumulative probability describing the body's argument of periapsis, relative to other bodies of the same planet type or stellar class.
  • rotationalperiodprobability - the cumulative probability describing the body's rotational period, relative to other bodies of the same planet type or stellar class.
  • tiltprobability - the cumulative probability describing the body's orbital tilt, relative to other bodies of the same planet type or stellar class.
  • densityprobability - the cumulative probability describing the body's density, relative to other bodies of the same planet type or stellar class.
  • reserves - the reserve level of the body

In addition, stars have the following data:

  • mainstar - true if this is the main star of the system
  • stellarclass - the stellar class of the star (M, G, etc)
  • stellarsubclass - the stellar subclass of the star (0-9)
  • solarmass - the solar mass of the star
  • solarradius - the solar radius of the star, compared to Sol
  • age - the age of the star in millions of years
  • absolutemagnitude - the absolute magnitude of the star (lower is brighter)
  • chromaticity - the colour of the star
  • luminosity - the calculated luminosity of the star
  • estimatedhabzoneinner - The estimated inner radius of the habitable zone of the star, in light seconds, not considering other stars in the system
  • estimatedhabzoneouter - The estimated outer radius of the habitable zone of the star, in light seconds, not considering other stars in the system
  • ageprobability - the cumulative probability describing the star's age, relative to other stars of the same stellar class.
  • absolutemagnitudeprobability - the cumulative probability describing the star's absolute magnitude, relative to other stars of the same stellar class.
  • scoopable - true if a fuel scoop equipped ship can refuel at this star

Planets and moons have the following data:

  • atmosphere - the atmosphere of the planet
  • atmospherecompositions - a list of the elements found in the planet's atmosphere (array of AtmosphereComposition objects)
  • solidcompositions - a list of the solid types found in the body (array of SolidComposition objects)
  • earthmass - the earth masses of the planet
  • gravity - the gravity of the planet, relative to Earth gravity
  • pressure - the surface pressure on the planet, in Earth atmospheres
  • terraformstate - the terraforming state of the planet (Not terraformable, Terraformable, Terraforming, Terraformed)
  • planettype - the type of the planet (Metal-rich body, Earth-like world, etc.)
  • volcanism - the volcanism of the planet (Volcanism object)
  • landable - true if the planet can be landed upon
  • materials - list of materials and their percentage availability on the planet (list of Material objects)
  • gravityprobability - the cumulative probability describing the body's gravity, relative to other bodies of the same planet type.
  • pressureprobability - the cumulative probability describing the body's atmospheric pressure, relative to other bodies of the same planet type.
  • solarday - the duration of a solar day on the body, in Earth days
  • solarsurfacevelocity - the ground speed of the parent body's shadow on the surface of the body in meters per second

Atmosphere composition

Details of a body's atmospheric compositions.

  • composition - an element in the composition of the atmosphere (Ammonia, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen, etc.)
  • percent - the percentage of that element in the atmosphere


Details of a body's rings.

  • name - the name of the ring
  • mass - the mass of the ring, in megatons
  • innerradius - the inner radius of the ring, in km
  • outerradius - the outer radius of the ring, in km
  • composition - the composition of the ring
  • mapped - a DateTime value that is set when the ring is mapped and unset otherwise.
  • hotspots - a list of ring hotspots (as objects with properties 'commodity' and 'amount'), available for mapped rings only


Details of a body's solid compositions.

  • composition - an solid type in the composition of the body (Ice, Rock, or Metal)
  • percent - the percentage of that solid type in the body


Details of a body's volcanism.

  • type - the type of volcanism: either "Geysers" or "Magma"
  • composition - the composition of the volcanism (Iron, Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen etc.)
  • amount - the amount of volcanism ("Major", "Minor" or nothing)


An orbital or planetary station.

  • name - the name of the station
  • systemname - the name of the system in which this station resides
  • model - the model of the station (Orbis, Coriolis, etc)
  • government - the type of government in this station (Democracy, Confederacy etc)
  • faction - the name of the faction that controls this station
  • allegiance - the superpower allegiance of the faction that controls this station (Federation, Empire etc)
  • state - the state of the station (Boom, War, etc)
  • primaryeconomy - the primary economy in this station (High Technology, Agriculture, etc)
  • secondaryeconomy - the secondary economy in this station (if any)
  • distancefromstar - the distance from the main star to this station (in light years)
  • hasrefuel - true if this station has refuelling
  • hasrearm - true if this station has rearming
  • hasrepair - true if this station has repairs
  • hasoutfitting - true if this station has outfitting
  • hasshipyard - true if this station has a shipyard
  • hasmarket - true if this station has a market
  • hasblackmarket - true if this station has a black market
  • stationservices - a list of the station services available at this station
  • largestpad - the largest pad available at this station (None, Small, Medium, Large)
  • commodities - the commodities that are bought and sold by this station (array of Commodity objects)
  • imports - the commodities that are bought by this station (array of Commodity objects)
  • exports - the commodities that are sold by this station (array of Commodity objects)
  • prohibited - the commodities prohibited by the station (array of Commodity objects, requires Frontier API access)
  • outfitting - the modules that are available for outfitting at this station (array of Module objects)
  • updatedat - the timestamp at which the station information was last updated
  • commoditiesupdatedat - the timestamp at which the station commodities information was last updated

Home station

Information about your home station is available under the homestation object. Any values might be missing, depending on EDDI's configuration and the information available about the station. Values are as described in the 'Station' object.


A faction object

  • name - the name of the faction
  • allegiance - the allegiance of the faction
  • government - the government of the faction
  • myreputation - your reputation with the faction, out of 100%.
  • squadronfaction - true if the faction is the pilot's current squadron faction
  • presences - a list of FactionPresence objects. Unless called from the FactionDetails() function, only details from the current system will be included here.


An object describing the presence and state of a faction within a system

  • systemName - the system name
  • state - the faction's current dominant state
  • ActiveStates - a list of FactionState objects
  • PendingStates - a list of FactionState objects and trend values
  • RecoveringStates - a list of FactionState objects and trend values
  • influence - the faction's influence level within the system, as a percentage
  • happiness - the current happiness level within the faction


A conflict object

  • state - the faction state of the factions in conflict (e.g. war, civil war, or election)
  • status - the status of the conflict (e.g. active, pending)
  • stake - the system asset at stake in the conflict (if any)
  • conflictdays - the number of days that the conflict has been ongoing
  • margin - the difference between the number of days won by one faction vs. the other
  • faction1 - the name of the first faction in the conflict
  • faction1dayswon - the number of conflict days that faction1 has won.
  • faction2 - the name of the second faction in the conflict
  • faction2dayswon - the number of conflict days that faction2 has won.


A NavWaypoint object (generated by Nav route events)

  • systemname - the name of the starsystem
  • stellarclass - the stellar class of the main star in the starsystem
  • x - the X co-ordinate of the starsystem
  • y - the Y co-ordinate of the starsystem
  • z - the Z co-ordinate of the starsystem


Information about your current status is available under the status object. Note that this is not written synchronously with journal events and consequently may not be accurate when invoked from journal events where that particular status property is changing. Any values might be missing, depending on EDDI's configuration.

  • vehicle - the vehicle that is under the commander's control. Can be one of "Ship", "SRV", "Fighter", "On Foot", "Taxi", and "Multicrew"
  • being_interdicted - a boolean value indicating whether the commander is currently being interdicted
  • in_danger - a boolean value indicating whether the commander is currently in danger
  • near_surface - a boolean value indicating whether the commander is near a landable surface (within it's gravity well)
  • overheating - a boolean value indicating whether the commander's vehicle is overheating
  • low_fuel - a boolean value indicating whether the commander has less than 25% fuel remaining
  • fsd_status - the current status of the ship's frame shift drive. Can be one of "ready", "cooldown", "charging", or "masslock"
  • fsd_hyperdrive_charging - a boolean value indicating whether the FSD is currently charging for a jump to hyperspace.
  • srv_drive_assist - a boolean value indicating whether SRV drive assist is active
  • srv_highbeam - true if the lights in your SRV are set to the high beam mode.
  • srv_under_ship - a boolean value indicating whether the SRV in within the proximity zone around the ship
  • srv_turret_deployed - a boolean value indicating whether the SRV's turret has been deployed
  • srv_handbrake_activated - a boolean value indicating whether the SRV's handbrake has been activated
  • scooping_fuel - a boolean value indicating whether the ship is currently scooping fuel
  • silent_running - a boolean value indicating whether silent running is active
  • cargo_scoop_deployed - a boolean value indicating whether the cargo scoop has been deployed
  • lights_on - a boolean value indicating whether the vehicle's external lights are active
  • in_wing - a boolean value indicating whether the commander is currently in a wing
  • hardpoints_deployed - a boolean value indicating whether hardpoints are currently deployed
  • flight_assist_off - a boolean value indicating whether flight assistance has been deactivated
  • supercruise - a boolean value indicating whether the ship is currently in supercruise
  • hyperspace - true if jumping between star systems
  • shields_up - a boolean value indicating whether the ship's shields are maintaining their integrity
  • landing_gear_down - a boolean value indicating whether the ship's landing gears have been deployed
  • landed - a boolean value indicating whether the ship is currently landed (on a surface)
  • docked - a boolean value indicating whether the ship is currently docked (at a station)
  • pips_sys - a decimal value indicating the power distributor allocation to systems
  • pips_eng - a decimal value indicating the power distributor allocation to engines
  • pips_wea - a decimal value indicating the power distributor allocation to weapons
  • firegroup - an integer value indicating the ship's currently selected firegroup
  • gui_focus - the commander's current focus. Can be one of
    • "none",
    • "internal panel" (right panel),
    • "external panel" (left panel),
    • "communications panel" (top panel),
    • "role panel" (bottom panel),
    • "station services",
    • "galaxy map",
    • "system map",
    • "orrery",
    • "fss mode",
    • "saa mode", or
    • "codex"
  • latitude - a decimal value indicating the ship's current latitude (if near a surface)
  • longitude - a decimal value indicating the ship's current longitude (if near a surface)
  • altitude - a decimal value indicating the ship's current altitude (if in flight near a surface)
  • heading - a decimal value indicating the ship's current heading (if near a surface)
  • slope - a decimal value indicating the ship's current slope relative to the horizon (if near a surface)
  • analysis_mode - a boolean value indicating whether the ship's HUD is currently in Analysis Mode
  • night_vision - a boolean value indicating whether night vision is currently active
  • fuel - a decimal value indicating the ship's current fuel (including fuel in the active fuel reservoir)
  • fuel_percent - a decimal percent value calculated from your current total fuel capacity
  • fuel_seconds - an integer value projecting the time remaining before you run out of fuel, in seconds
  • cargo_carried - an integer value of the current cargo you are carrying
  • legalstatus - the ship's current legal status. Can be one of
    • "Clean",
    • "Illegal cargo",
    • "Speeding",
    • "Wanted",
    • "Hostile",
    • "Passenger wanted", or
    • "Warrant"
  • bodyname - the name of the current body (if landed or in an srv)
  • planetradius - the radius of the current body (if landed or in an srv)
  • altitude_from_average_radius - true if the altitude is computed relative to the average radius (which is used at higher altitudes) rather than surface directly below the srv
  • hyperspace - true if jumping between star systems.
  • srv_highbeam - true if the lights in your SRV are set to the high beam mode.
  • on_foot_in_station - true if you've disembarked at a station.
  • on_foot_on_planet - true if you've disembarked on a planet surface.
  • on_foot_in_hangar - true if you've disembarked in a vehicle hangar.
  • on_foot_social_space - true if you've disembarked to a social space.
  • aim_down_sight - true if you are on foot and aiming through a scope.
  • low_oxygen - true if you are on foot and oxygen is running low.
  • low_health - true if you are on foot and health is running low.
  • on_foot_temperature - the environment temperature when on foot. May be one of "very cold", "cold", "temperate", "hot", or "very hot".
  • destination_name - the currently selected destination (including in-system destinations).
  • destination_localized_name - the localized name of the currently selected destination, if available.
  • credit_balance - the current credit balance of the commander, if available.
  • breathable_atmosphere - true if you are on foot in an area with a breathable atmosphere.
  • telepresence_multicrew - true if you are participating in telepresence multicrew.
  • physical_multicrew - true if you are participating in physical multicrew.


An object returned from the TrafficDetails function. Contains traffic / deaths / hostility information (as specified by the function call) over various time periods:

  • day - over the past day
  • week - over the past week
  • total - over all time


An object returned from the VoiceDetails function.

Any values might be missing, depending on the information available about the voice.

  • name - the name of the voice
  • culturename - the local / native name of the voice culture (as recognized by a native speaker)
  • cultureinvariantname - the invariant name of the voice culture (English)
  • culturecode - the two letter language code and two letter region code of the voice culture
  • gender - the gender of the voice