Route details event - EDCD/EDDI GitHub Wiki

Triggered when a route has been generated or updated.

Where values are indexed (the compartments on a ship for example), the index will be represented by '<index>'. For VoiceAttack, a variable with the root name of the indexed array shall identify the total number of entries in the array. For example, if compartments 1 and 2 are available then the value of the corresponding 'compartments' variable will be 2.

When using this event in the Speech responder the information about this event is available under the event object. The available variables are as follows:

  • {event.count} - A count of missions, systems, or mission expiry seconds, depending on the route type

  • {event.distance} - The distance to the next star system waypoint in ly

  • {event.missionids} - The mission ID(s) associated with the next waypoint star system, if applicable

  • {event.missionids[<index>]}

  • {event.route} - A list of the system names which are visited during the route, if applicable

  • {event.route[<index>]}

  • {event.routedistance} - The total distance of the route in ly, if applicable

  • {event.routetype} - Type of route query

  • {event.station} - The station returned from the search, if applicable

  • {event.system} - The next star system waypoint in the route

  • {event.tritiumused} - Required total tritium required to complete the route, if applicable

To respond to this event in VoiceAttack, create a command entitled ((EDDI route details)). VoiceAttack variables will be generated to allow you to access the event information.

The following VoiceAttack variables are available for this event:

  • {DEC:EDDI route details count} - A count of missions, systems, or mission expiry seconds, depending on the route type

  • {DEC:EDDI route details distance} - The distance to the next star system waypoint in ly

  • {INT:EDDI route details missionids} - The mission ID(s) associated with the next waypoint star system, if applicable

  • {DEC:EDDI route details missionids <index>}

  • {INT:EDDI route details route} - A list of the system names which are visited during the route, if applicable

  • {TXT:EDDI route details route <index>}

  • {DEC:EDDI route details routedistance} - The total distance of the route in ly, if applicable

  • {TXT:EDDI route details routetype} - Type of route query

  • {TXT:EDDI route details station} - The station returned from the search, if applicable

  • {TXT:EDDI route details system} - The next star system waypoint in the route

  • {INT:EDDI route details tritiumused} - Required total tritium required to complete the route, if applicable

For more details on VoiceAttack integration, see

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