Module transfer event - EDCD/EDDI GitHub Wiki

Triggered when you transfer a module from storage at another station.

When using this event in the Speech responder the information about this event is available under the event object. The available variables are as follows:

  • {event.module} - The module (object) being transferred

  • {event.module.ammoinclip}

  • {event.module.ammoinhopper}

  • {event.module.class}

  • {event.module.clipcapacity}

  • {event.module.enabled}

  • {event.module.engineerlevel}

  • {event.module.engineerquality}

  • {event.module.grade}

  • {}

  • {event.module.hoppercapacity}

  • {}

  • {event.module.invariantName}

  • {event.module.modification}

  • {event.module.modified}

  • {event.module.mount}

  • {}

  • {event.module.position}

  • {event.module.power}

  • {event.module.price}

  • {event.module.priority}

  • {event.module.value}

  • {event.ship} - The ship you are in when you request the transfer

  • {event.shipid} - The ID of the ship you are in when you request the transfer

  • {event.transfercost} - The cost for the module transfer

  • {event.transfertime} - The time until the module arrives (in seconds)

To respond to this event in VoiceAttack, create a command entitled ((EDDI module transfer)). VoiceAttack variables will be generated to allow you to access the event information.

The following VoiceAttack variables are available for this event:

  • {INT:EDDI module transfer module ammoinclip}

  • {INT:EDDI module transfer module ammoinhopper}

  • {INT:EDDI module transfer module class}

  • {INT:EDDI module transfer module clipcapacity}

  • {BOOL:EDDI module transfer module enabled}

  • {INT:EDDI module transfer module engineerlevel}

  • {DEC:EDDI module transfer module engineerquality}

  • {TXT:EDDI module transfer module grade}

  • {DEC:EDDI module transfer module health}

  • {INT:EDDI module transfer module hoppercapacity}

  • {BOOL:EDDI module transfer module hot}

  • {TXT:EDDI module transfer module invariant name}

  • {TXT:EDDI module transfer module modification}

  • {BOOL:EDDI module transfer module modified}

  • {TXT:EDDI module transfer module mount}

  • {TXT:EDDI module transfer module name}

  • {INT:EDDI module transfer module position}

  • {DEC:EDDI module transfer module power}

  • {DEC:EDDI module transfer module price}

  • {INT:EDDI module transfer module priority}

  • {DEC:EDDI module transfer module value}

  • {TXT:EDDI module transfer ship} - The ship you are in when you request the transfer

  • {INT:EDDI module transfer shipid} - The ID of the ship you are in when you request the transfer

  • {DEC:EDDI module transfer transfercost} - The cost for the module transfer

  • {DEC:EDDI module transfer transfertime} - The time until the module arrives (in seconds)

For more details on VoiceAttack integration, see

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