Managing Results Locally - EBI-Metabolights/SAFERnmr GitHub Wiki

When looking at SAFER results, there are a few things we want to do to enable evidence browsing.

We usually zip them up for portability, as it's often the case that SAFER will be run remotely. We also want results files to stay together; the idea is that you (the user) don't need to look through them yourself to expose the relevant information for annotation.

Of course, we try to save as much detail as possible about the analysis along the way, and that data is available in the results if you want to dig through. We encourage this (just keep in mind that you'll want to avoid modifying the files directly)! Please reach out to one of us if there is something you feel you should be able to access, but which isn't evident in the results. There is a good chance it's there - or, in some cases, we can modify the package to export that data!

We provide a function in SAFER called unzip_studies, which unzips the results. Run this whenever you download new results files.

We also provide a function called index_studies, which summarizes key information from each run in the directory. It returns a data frame and csv file for easier tracking of your data.

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