To Do List - E1039-Collaboration/e1039-wiki GitHub Wiki

This page collects software/analysis-related tasks, including online and offline functions. If you have any task candidate, you can add it to the "Unsorted" list first. If you are interested in resolving any task, you can put your name on it and start working out.

Time Scale and Manpower

The time scales of finishing the mandatory tasks are

  • When the beam commissioning starts (in April 2024), or
  • When the (physics) data analysis starts (in June 2024).

The collaboration needs more manpower to complete these tasks in time. Can any offsite people join in the software development?

Mandatory Tasks

  • [???] Study the effect of the polarization inhomogeneity.
  • [Yoshiki/Yoshiyuki] Study the dilution factor systematics for J/psi.
  • [Jay] Study the effect of target/beam misalignment.
  • Study systematic errors in TSSA extraction.
    • [Chatura] t.b.d. about J/psi.
    • [Vaniya] Study the dependence of the measurement inefficiency on the muon hit position (and the beam intensity).
  • [Chatura] Establish the automated scheme of semi-online reconstruction.
  • [Jay/Viktor] Implement an online-monitoring display (GUI) for online-reconstructed variables.
  • [Kenichi] Finalize the 3D event display.
  • [Kenichi] Finalize the physics trigger, using high-stat. background MC events.
  • [Arthur/Kenichi] Adopt the E1039 software to Ubuntu (which is used for online reconstruction).
  • Update the geometry information.
    • [Kenichi] Implement the hodoscope gap at Y ~ 0.
    • [Jay] Set up more-realistic target geometry, including more objects.
  • [Kun?] Implement the straight-track-based alignment algorithm (Millepede).
  • [Kun?] Update the vertex fit (to use GenFit).
  • [Kenichi] Establish the method of handling the in-time window.
    • At present, each hit info (SQHit in E1039 and SRawEvent in E906) is given a flag variable. The flag is set when decoded.
    • E1039 had better set up a separated storage (like MySQL DB) to hold the in-time window and be updated as needed.
  • [Kun/Kenichi] Prepare for the migration from SL7 to AlmaLinux.
    • Adopt the E1039 software to AlmaLinux (which replaces SL7; EoL = 2024-June-30).
    • Fermilab expects Sea/SpinQuest to complete the migration in April.

Desired Tasks

  • Establish the method of comparing the reconstructed position of track/dimuon vertex to the surveyed position of target cells.
  • Document a good amount of the data variables for E1039 analyzers who are not familiar with the E906 data structure.
  • Decide the standard way of obtaining the run number (in SubsysReco module).
    • RUNNUMBER in recoConsts or SQRun::get_run_id()?
  • Modify or replace the DST data structure so that the data file can be read/written without the E1039 libraries.
  • Stop using SRecEvent (in kTracker).
  • Separate the reco. status to tracking and vertexing.
  • Sort out the variables of the SQ interface classes.
    • SQHit::pos is needed?
  • Factor out functions of kTracker into separated SubsysReco modules.
    • Functions that are useful for other analyses.
    • EventReducer?
    • Track finder.
    • Track fitter.
      • Drop the LEGACY type (``KalmanFitter'')??
    • SQReco::enable_eval is not in use?
    • Evaluation output?
    • Dependence on the order of detector IDs
  • Remove from Fun4Sim.C the parameters that are rarely changed from their default value.
    • The parameters for PHG4Reco.
    • A proper default value of collimator_pos_z in G4_Beamline.C, instead of target_coil_pos_z - 302.36 in Fun4Sim.C.

Optional Tasks

  • Improve TruthNodeMaker.
    • The true-reco. track matching in it (which sets SQTrack::get_rec_track_id()) does not work, just because it is registered before SQReco in Fun4Sim.C.
    • Other methods of the track matching should be implemented as options.

Unsorted Tasks

  • Import the improvement on the tracking efficiency made by DarkQuest (DocDB 9723).
  • Test the effect of the chamber realization (on resolution and efficiency).
    • Put a typical number to see how the reconstructed track varies.