Start up guide with an example - E1039-Collaboration/e1039-wiki GitHub Wiki

Obtain a FermiLab computing account

All the related libraries are compiled on the seaquesgpvm machines. To access those machines, please start with obtaining a FermiLab computing account if you haven't got one.

login, setup and checkout the code

init kerberos key, <usr> below means your user name.

kinit -f <usr>@FNAL.GOV
<type your password>

login to a submitter node

ssh -Y -o "ServerAliveInterval 60" <usr>

cd to your workarea

cd /e906/app/users/<usr> 

source the setup macro

source /e906/app/users/yuhw/

check out analysis repository from github

git clone

How to run

Run the simulation + reconstruction macro

cd <path-to-e1039-analysis/HodoAccGap>
root -l Fun4HodoAccGap.C

You will see several root output files. 'trk_eval.root' contains evaluation output from the TrkEval module. This will be the input for the final plotting.

The 'ana.C' is am example plotting macro. One may try quickly test it with some example files.

ln -s /e906/app/users/yuhw/e1039-analysis/HodoAccGap/300cm/*.root .
root -l ana.C

Run 'int_run.C' to view the event display:

root -l int_run.C

You should get a event display like this: G4 Event Display - DY

To get a display for mac OS users, please refer to this report from John Haggerty @ BNL. The key step for me is this:

defaults write org.macosforge.xquartz.X11 enable_iglx -bool true
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️