Moving between Production and Development builds - DynamicDevices/meta-dynamicdevices GitHub Wiki
I have a couple of scripts here which are a work in progress but seem to move between production and development by re-registering
- you need to have removed the device from the Foundries portal before you do this
- you can end up in a situation where it won't enable the Wireguard VPN as it says there's no public key. Rebooting seems to sort this out
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]
then echo "Please run as root"
cp /usr/bin/lmp-device-auto-register .
# Change over to prod group
sed -i 's/sentai-test/-t main-jaguar-sentai-prod/g' lmp-device-auto-register
sed -i 's/sentai-dev/sentai-prod/g' lmp-device-auto-register
# Register in prod mode
sed -i 's/-g ${GROUP}/-p 1 -g ${GROUP}/g' lmp-device-auto-register
# Stop aktualizr-lite
systemctl stop aktualizr-lite
# Reset credentials
rm -Rf /var/sota
mkdir /var/sota
# Kick off custom registration
# Reboot (seem to need this for VPN key)
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]
then echo "Please run as root"
cp /usr/bin/lmp-device-auto-register .
# Change over to ext group
sed -i 's/TAG="sentai-prod"/TAG="-t main-jaguar-sentai-ext"/g' lmp-device-auto-register
sed -i 's/TAG="sentai-test"/TAG="-t main-jaguar-sentai-ext"/g' lmp-device-auto-register
sed -i 's/GROUP="sentai-test/GROUP="sentai-dev"/g' lmp-device-auto-register
sed -i 's/GROUP="sentai-prod/GROUP="sentai-dev"/g' lmp-device-auto-register
# Register in dev mode
sed -i 's/-p 1/-p 0/g' lmp-device-auto-register
# Stop aktualizr-lite
systemctl stop aktualizr-lite
# Reset credentials
rm -Rf /var/sota
mkdir /var/sota
# Kick off custom registration