Jaguar Sentai Board - DynamicDevices/meta-dynamicdevices GitHub Wiki

Jaguar Sentai

AI audio STT and TTS development platform

Sound Support

TAS2563 audio playback

The TAS2563 audio codec is used for output. Currently we've back ported an older TI driver as a kernel module. In future we plan to migrate to a backport of the newer TAS2781 driver.

The driver downloads a pre-built audio firmware binary to the TAS2563 (/lib/firmware/tas2563_uCDSP.bin). There is also a calibration file which is not currently supported.

The firmware can be built with the TI graphical tool for Windows which can be found here.

Further resources can be found here.

The driver for this is a module which loads as snd_soc_tas2563 (use lsmod to view)

We blacklist automatic loading of audio drivers in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf as otherwise card IDs can change depending on load order. Instead a systemd service audio-driver runs on startup and executes /usr/bin/ to load in the relevant drivers


When loaded aplay -l can be executed to show device details

root@imx8mm-jaguar-sentai-7130a09dab86563:/var/rootdirs/home/fio# aplay -l            
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 1: tas2563audio [tas2563-audio], device 0: 30030000.sai-tas2563 ASI1 tas2563 ASI1-0 [30030000.sai-tas2563 ASI1 tas2563 ASI1-0]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

To play a sample wav file the following command can be used

aplay -Dhw:1,0 -r 48000 -c 2 sample.wav 

NOTE: Currently when using the hardware device directly only 2 channnels of 48kHz audio are supported.


We need to be running audio within docker containers. We seem to be able to use ALSA but some .NET code fails with ALSA. So we've added PulseAudio to the host OS mage and can use this instead of ALSA.

There are PulseAudio equivalents to ALSA record and playback utilities. For example

parecord file.wav
paplay file.wav

There is also a command line control utility, for example

pactl list sources
pactl list sinks
pactl list modules

NOTE: That the pulseaudio server runs as non-root fio user. It's not possible to interact with the server as the root user and this will fail.

The docker container needs to have access to the host os pulse audio socket and dbus. An example docker-compose.yml configuration to achieve this looks something like this

version: '2'
    build: .
      - /dev/snd:/dev/snd
      - PULSE_SERVER=unix:/tmp/pulseaudio.socket
      - PULSE_COOKIE=/tmp/pulseaudio.cookie
      - "/tmp:/tmp"
      - "/run/dbus/system_bus_socket:/run/dbus/system_bus_socket"
    restart: always
    privileged: true

TODO: We should support cookies for authentication but this is not yet implemented. Instead we allow unauthenticated to the host pulseaudio server

To provide the socket in a known place, /tmp/pulseaudio.socket we have a script that runs the following command on start-up

pactl load-module module-native-protocol-unix socket=/tmp/pulseaudio.socket auth-anonymous=true

Then you can enter a docker container configured as above and run the paplay commands or similar

SECURITY NOTE: That usually PulseAudio would run within a user session. This makes sense for desktop/laptop systems but is non-ideal for embedded systems. Instead we run PulseAudio in the systemwide configuration so we don't have to worry about user login. There are potentially some security and other issues with running in this configuration. These should be noted and can be found here.

Networking / Radio Support


To see current IW612 firmware version use

cat /proc/mwlan/adapter0/wlan0/info | grep version

driver_version = SDIW612---18.99.2.p66.10-MM6X18423.p6-GPL-(FP92) 

Run ifconfig to view the wlan0 device (there is no wired ethernet)

Run the following to add a WiFi connection

nmcli con add type wifi con-name $CONNECTIONAME ssid "$SSID" 802-11-wireless-security.key-mgmt WPA-PSK 802-11-wireless-security.psk "$PASSWORD" ifname wlan0

To see connection status use:



If a Quectel modem module is installed it is posssible to see the modem ID with:

mmcli -L

Then use this to get the modem status

mmcli -m $MODEM_ID

Bluetooth / BLE

To test bluetooth is working turn on the device and perform a scan

bluetoothctl power on
bluetoothctl scan on


bluetoothctl scan le




Thread / Matter


Power Management


We use a STUSB4500 to manage USB-C power. This allows us automatically to switch a PSU between different voltages e.g. 5V, 9V, 20V.

The datasheet is here

And the register map is here

We have a tool that allows us to program the NVM in this part to control which settings should be used, the "PDOS". For details on this tool see the repository here.

To write a binary file of 40 bytes of NVM settings

stusb4500 write --file $input_filename

We also have own own current NVM setting binary in the /firmware tree so to program this use

stusb4500 write --file /lib/firmware/stusb4500.dat 

To display the current settings:

stusb4500 read

To store the current settings:

stusb4500 read --file  $output_file

This tool can also be used to show the current voltage, current consumption and related information. Example usage:

stusb4500 status



The button interrupt is not currently implemented but to test via polling use

echo 102 > /sys/class/gpio/export 
cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio102/value 

State is 1 when not depressed and goes to 0 when depressed.

BGT 60TR13C Radar

We've integrated the Infineon spi-lib driver which talks to the part here

You can run this for test and it will generate a log file with copious numbers of data-points

seamless_dev_spi spi.mode=landscape rec.file=test.dat

The RADAR-SDK analysis library implements core protocols and we have this build for aarch64 here. The SDK talks to Infineon microcontroller firmware using a protocol which seems to be named "stratula" or similar. It can use USB/Serial and other transports.

As we don't have a microcontroller on our boards we need to interface the SDK to the code that accesses the part over SPI. We have been provided with spi-lib which we have here

We've then made changes to spi-lib to implement the needed protocol to communicate with the SDK code and we do this via a virtual serial port implementation.

Currently spi-lib expects to open a /dev/ttySpiLib device which can be linked to a virtual serial port.

A way of creating a virtual serial port pair is to use

sudo socat -d -d pty,raw,echo=0,link=/dev/ttyAMA0 pty,raw,echo=0,link=/tmp/ttySpiLib

This will give two /dev/pts/X devices which you than then create symlinks to.

NOTE: The RADAR-SDK automatically searches on /dev/ttyUSB*, /dev/ttyAMA* so we can create a /dev/ttyAMA0 and the spi-lib is currently hard-coded to use /tmp/ttySpiLib

SHT40-AD1F-R2 Temperature & Humidity

This is implemented as an I2C device using the SHT4X IIO driver. The lm-sensors framework is installed to the image. To see sensor details use sensors.

root@imx8mm-jaguar-sentai-7130a09dab86563:~# sensors
Adapter: 30a40000.i2c
temp1:        +32.0 C  
humidity1:     33.0 %RH

LIS2DH12 Accelerometer

root@imx8mm-jaguar-sentai-7130a09dab86563:~# cat /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device0/name 
root@imx8mm-jaguar-sentai-7130a09dab86563:~# echo 400 > /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device0/sampling_frequency
root@imx8mm-jaguar-sentai-7130a09dab86563:~# cat /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device0/in_accel_x_raw 
root@imx8mm-jaguar-sentai-7130a09dab86563:~# cat /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device0/in_accel_x_raw 

STTS22H Temperature

The STT22H driver is implemented within the IIO subsystem. To check the temperature you can use:

root@imx8mm-jaguar-sentai-7130a09dab86563:~# cat /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device1/name 
root@imx8mm-jaguar-sentai-7130a09dab86563:~# cat /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device1/in_temp_ambient_raw 
root@imx8mm-jaguar-sentai-7130a09dab86563:~# cat /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device1/in_temp_ambient_scale 


LED Testing

  • Pulse RGBW LED intensity "heartbeat"
  • Rotate R, G, B, W in ring

CE Mark Testing

This requires a specific image lmp-factory-image-ce to be programmed onto the test board.

Systemd services

Individual tests are implemented as systemd services which automatically start and can also be stopped and/or disabled.

Test Description
ce-audio-test.service Plays a tune on loop via PulseAudio
ce-led-test.service Sets LEDs to 50% green
ce-mic-test.service Records via PulseAudio to /dev/null
ce-wifi-bt-test.service TBD
ce-radar-test.service Runs seamless_dev_spi outputting data to /dev/null

To view status of a service

systemctl status ce-foo-test

To stop a service when running

sudo systemctl stop ce-foo-test

To disable a service from running automatically

sudo systemctl disable ce-foo-test

To look at output from a service (and "follow" output)

sudo journalctl -u ce-foo-test -f

Manual scripts

There are also some scripts which can be run manually as needed

To turn off the modem use


Note that this will turn off the modem and it will disconnect from the USB bus but it then powers up and re-enumerates. This issue is addressed in the latest revision of boards.

To turn off the WiFi/BT

ifconfig wlan0 down
gpioset gpiochip2 7=0

Running iperf3

On the Sentai board run

iperf3 -s

On the monitoring device run

iperf3 -c $BOARD_IP_ADDRESS -V -b 10M -t 50