Handoff - Dutton-Christian-Robotics/Learning-to-Code GitHub Wiki


One of the most important moments of the robotics season is the point where the mechanical team is done building the robot and it gets handed over to the programming team. Before the robot can be programmed, it needs to go through a process of testing individual components and systems.

Testing and Setup Protocol

Information to get from the mechanical team

  • all motors: brand/model, physical location on the robot, purpose, port location
  • all servos: brand/model, physical location on the robot, purpose, type of rotation, port location
  • all sensors: brand/model, physical location on the robot, purpose, port location

Identify robot systems based on components that function together

Test individual components

  • With the Driver Station app, configure one specific component, choosing a meaningful name with a standardized name
  • Use a single-purpose opmode that controls that one component (e.g. MotorTestOpMode)
    • Determine relationship between component mounting direction and power direction
    • Determine movement direction required for specific robot function (e.g. raise shoulder, extend arm)
  • Repeat for remaining components, reusing single purpose opmodes

Test systems

  • Write a opmode to specifically test systems based on multiple components (e.g. WristTestOpMode)
  • Repeat for remaining systems