Getting code onto the robot - Dutton-Christian-Robotics/Learning-to-Code GitHub Wiki
In a sense, there are two kinds of software required to make an FTC robot functional.
- The FTC apps: the robot side and driver side devices (phone or hubs) need FTC's apps to enable communication and provide the interface for running a robot.
- OpModes and related code: the code that we write, either as OpModes themselves or as supporting files (e.g. robot files) need to make their way onto the robot phone/hub. Without these files, what we could call "team code", the FTC apps are essentially useless.
There are two main ways to load team code onto a robot. This page explains how to connect to the Robot Controller app directly. Later you will learn how to build a custom vision of the Robot Controller app from Android Studio.
One thing that the FTC app on the robot does is create a special website that programmers can visit by connecting to the robot's wifi network.