2024_10_15 - Dutton-Christian-Robotics/Learning-to-Code GitHub Wiki


  • Kahoot


  • Things get a little complicated here on out. Have to find a way to balance teaching how to code and actually programming the robot


  • Weaknesses in our basic driver-controlled code
    • Only drive at one speed; we'll solve this one first
    • Each action "blocks" controls


  • Copy/Paste PowerRatioRobot
    • method overloading
  • Copy/Paste BetterDriverControlledOpMode OR modify Basic...
    • change ifs to use value of the analog control
    • what do we do for driveForward and turnLeft?
    • Math.abs
  • Question: How do we get the robot to drive in a more "complex" manner?
  • Copy/Paste ComplexDriveRobot and ComplexTeleOp