2024_10_01 - Dutton-Christian-Robotics/Learning-to-Code GitHub Wiki
- 720 minutes left (show timer on iPad?)
- Ask: what did we do last time? What did we learn?
- cases
- mecanum wheels
- "holonomic drivetrain"
- AKA Swedish Wheel, Lion Wheel
- Emphasize:
- Copy/Paste DryDriving1OpMode
- Have them drive in a square
- Notice the repetition involved in calling those methods
- Introduce loops: how to do things over and over
- introduce concept of boolean variables
- for loop: known number of times
- while loop: check condition before hand; not guaranteed to execute!
- do/while loop: checks condition at the end; guaranteed to execute once
- What if:
- we end up having multiple OpModes, all with the same robot setup and movement code?
- what if we want to make a small change
- Separation of Concerns
- our opmode is doing two things right now: explaining a robot and using a robot
- split those two things up and put robot in another class
Activities (as time allows)
- Copy/Paste DryRobot and DryerDrivingOpMode
- Code in the strafe methods
- What is getting repeated most in our robot?
- Use sensors
- introduce whileOpModeIsActive()
- introduce if for conditions