2024_09_26 - Dutton-Christian-Robotics/Learning-to-Code GitHub Wiki
- Copy/Paste from GitHub repository into Android Studio
- package
- Java class file
- curly brackets and blocks
- variables: declaration and assignment
- property: variable belonging to an object
- classes and objects
- methods and functions
- dot syntax for accessing object properties
- Demo classes/objects/instances with simple compiler
- Kahoot
- Change the code
- Make it drive backwards
- Make it turn
- talk about mecanum wheels
- Notice: that's a lot of code and it's redundant
- write a method/function
- talk about variable scope
- loops for repeating things
- DRY: Don't Repeat Yourself
- more repetitive code = more opportunities for small mistakes
- more repetitive code = harder to made broad changes
- Writing reusable methods
- scope