2023_09_26 - Dutton-Christian-Robotics/Learning-to-Code GitHub Wiki
Long-range Autonomous Planning
- Review PowerPlay and how many autonomous modes were needed
- Question: what was the likelihood of interaction with other teams during auton
- How much interaction could there be during CenterStage auton, and how do we plan for it?
- Install new Android Studio (Giraffe)
- Tour of Android Studio
- Download virtual robot repository
- Start simulator
- Try driving
- Add dcs15815 package to TeamCode/src/org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode
- Create new Java class SimpleDriving.java
- Visit Learn to Code repository, copy/paste matching code
- Everything in programming is either:
- Remember
- Organize
- Do
- Decide Something
- Variables (REMEMBER)
- hold pieces of information
- types: string, double, boolean, array, object instances
- naming: camel case, snake case, kebab case, Pascal case
- declaration, assignment, initialization
- Function/Method calls (ORGANIZE / DO)
- make things happen
- arguments (what we give it) and parameters (what it wants)
- example of power for motors
- return value
- Explain OOP
- class / object / instance: like a cookie cutter and cookies
- inheritance
- methods / properties
- Basic parts of an OpMode / Java class—a program within a program
- things we "inherit": HardwareMap
- take a look at the block structure: what blocks are inside which