Model and texture file naming - DurtyFree/durty-cloth-tool GitHub Wiki


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Resolve meta data by name

The tool tries to automatically resolve model and texture meta data from the file name. Correct meta data is important to properly add new models. If the tool is not able to resolve some of the needed meta data information, from the filename, it will automatically prompt you with a dialog to set it manually:

Model (drawable) meta data is as following:

  • Cloth Type (Prop or Component)
  • Drawable Type (lowr, uppr, head, feet ...)
  • Has skin tone data (_r or _u suffix)

Drawable model file names (Components & Props)

Cloth components and props are both drawable models of a specific type, the file names are very similar.

Component file names

Example file name: accs_000_u
This will be resolved to the first (_000_) undershirt (accs_ [component of type 8]), without any specific skin tone data (_u).

If you want to change the automatic resolving of this specific model drawable type, to for example a top (jbib_ [component of type 11]), rename the file to: jbib_000_u.

Prop file names

Example file name: p_eyes_000
This will be resolved to the first (_000_) eye prop (eyes_ [prop of type 1]) (glasses etc).

Changing works same like for components, except props don't need any skin tone suffix (_u or _r) -> they always universally useable.

Always change related texture file names too

Textures for a specific model can be named like accs_diff_000_a_uni for our example above. If you change the drawable type of the model, all related textures have to be renamed too in order to match it properly: jbib_diff_000_a_uni

Possible drawable types (Components & Props)

These are all valid names to be used on the file names and how they translate to the game ids.


  • head (component id 0, drawable type 0)
  • berd (component id 1, drawable type 1)
  • hair (component id 2, drawable type 2)
  • uppr (component id 3, drawable type 3)
  • lowr (component id 4, drawable type 4)
  • hand (component id 5, drawable type 5)
  • feet (component id 6, drawable type 6)
  • teef (component id 7, drawable type 7)
  • accs (component id 8, drawable type 8)
  • task (component id 9, drawable type 9)
  • decl (component id 10, drawable type 10)
  • jbib (component id 11, drawable type 11)


  • head (prop id 0, drawable type 12)
  • eyes (prop id 1, drawable type 13)
  • ears (prop id 2, drawable type 14)
  • mouth (prop id 3, drawable type 15)
  • lhand (prop id 4, drawable type 16)
  • rhand (prop id 5, drawable type 17)
  • lwrist (prop id 6, drawable type 18)
  • rwrist (prop id 7, drawable type 19)
  • hip (prop id 8, drawable type 20)
  • lfoot (prop id 9, drawable type 21)
  • rfoot (prop id 10, drawable type 22)
  • unk1 (prop id 11, drawable type 23)
  • unk2 (prop id 12, drawable type 24)

Texture file names

Example texture file name: accs_diff_000_a_uni
This will be resolved to the first texture variation (_a_) of the first undershirt (_000_ of accs_ [component of type 8]) model. diff_ indicates its a diffuse texture and _uni indicates its a universally useable texture.

Changing the position / id of the texture variations

The game supports up to 26 texture variations for each cloth model, the letters a - z indicate the position / id of the texture. Examples:
accs_diff_000_a_uni would be the first texture (id = 0)
accs_diff_000_b_uni would be the second texture (id = 1)
accs_diff_000_c_uni would be the third texture (id = 2)
This goes up to the letter z accs_diff_000_z_uni (id = 25)

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