Text Replacements - Dungeons-of-Kathallion/Bane-Of-Wargs GitHub Wiki


Text replacements are special text code, starting with a $ sign that will be replaced, once displayed, by the corresponding value. That value change following the save and other variables. That's why text replacements are useful. For example if in a dialog you would like to display the name of the player, you wouldn't be able without text replacements. They can refer to player personal data such as health, max health, experience, adventurer name, gold or mission data such as destination, payment, deadline etc...

Note that text replacements can only be used in dialogs and missions.

Text Replacements

Placeholder Signification Use Case
$name The full name of the player Anywhere
$currency The player's gold Anywhere
$date The current date at the time where it is displayed Anywhere
$location The location of the player in the x, y format Anywhere
$coord_x The x coordinates of the player Anywhere
$coord_y The y coordinates of the player Anywhere
$location_zone The current map zone where the player is Anywhere
$name_mission The name of the mission Missions
$description The description of the mission Missions
$payment The payment for completing the mission Missions
$destination The destination where the player has to go to complete the mission Missions
$stopovers The stopover locations of the mission Missions
$mount The current player mount type Anywhere
$mount_nick The current player mount name Anywhere
$weapon The current player equipped weapon Anywhere
$chestplate The current player equipped chestplate Anywhere
$leggings The current player equipped leggings Anywhere
$boots The current player equipped boots Anywhere
$shield The current player equipped shield Anywhere
$health The player current health Anywhere
$max_health The player max health value Anywhere
$exp The player experience value Anywhere