Game Timeline Plot - Dungeons-of-Kathallion/Bane-Of-Wargs GitHub Wiki


This document treats about the timelime of the vanilla game plot, with every important and major step of the player, that determines its advancement in the plot. Note that because of the alpha and work-in-progress status of the current vanilla data and plot, this document might and will get updated quite often.


The genesis of the player's journey

  • The player was born [date: 02-07-1162]
  • Start of the player's journey (making the player 28 years old) [date: 04-12-1190]
  • The player helps a man attacked by a warg in the Forlindon Woods, and gets the Forlindon Woods Map item
  • He shows the map to the sheriff of the Ayar Town, and checks the shaman: he learns about the outer world
  • The sheriff of the village propose the player to take part into a mission about bringing humanitarian resources to the Cocorico Village [date: 05-08-1190]