Creating ASCII Art Maps - Dungeons-of-Kathallion/Bane-Of-Wargs GitHub Wiki


Map Items are items that're part of the 'map' item type. These items are used by the player to get information about a specific place. Every map item has a file in the /imgs directory, which has the ASCII art of the map content in it. You can't use yaml data color codes in this file, unlike every others. The game engine create colors when displaying itself, so you don't have to do it. In this wiki page, you'll learn everything about how the game engine display map items, so you'll able to create your own map item properly. Note that as any artwork, you need to copyright it in the plugin's copyright file.


First, you'll need to create your own ASCII art that represents the place you want this map to display, and that can be a challenge. You can checkout this website, where you'll you find pretty much every ASCII character you'll need for that map. Note that that the ASCII art should be 53 characters in length. You can fin interesting ASCII art characters at this wiki page.

Some tips

Here's some useful tips when making a map ASCII art:

First, make a small representation with basic characters of the place you want to represent (shot taken from a Bane-Of-Wargs Map Editor environment:


I want to represent the Forlindon Woods, which's the lime green cells. It looks like this in ASCII art, pretty much:


The Forlindon Woods are represented by P characters, the outer lands, a X and the sea a character. Now, we add some special characters to the main land:


If the characters seems shifted, it's just that your font isn't a monospace one. Now some details to the outer lands:


Then I've realize that maybe I'll need to cut the bottom a bit. After that, we add some cool details to the sea. And here's the final result:


And here's how it looks in-game:



To enhance the map ASCII art, the game engine add colors to add, like real maps: every characters, who're supposed to be oceans or lakes, will be printed with the \033[38;2;250;223;199m ANSI escape code. Human civilizations characters ,,,± and are printed with the \033[38;2;255;195;141m ANSI escape code. Every other characters are printed with the \033[38;2;255;208;166m ANSI escape code.

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