Card Sorter - Duncanqwe/Capstone-2022-2023 GitHub Wiki

Card Sorter

The Card Sorter will be a home-made robot that will automatcally sort trading cards.


Businesses waste a lot of time and money going through bulk cards that come in and lose thousands of dollars a year doing so. This would allow people to maximize the amount of money that they can make as well as not have to pay employees to go through bulk. This will also minimize the amount of employees employers will have to hire so it will also allow them to make more profits.


  • The robot will use air suction so that the cards will not be damaged when their are picked up, moved or placed.
  • Operators will be able to perform the following actions
    • Sort cards by values determined by their input
    • These values would be pulled from a database that is updated from webscraping TCGPlayer
    • Things that the webscraping would pull
      • Market Price
      • Prices by condition
      • Item ID
      • Item Name
    • It would have a secure front and backend
    • The interface would be python based but at somepoint I would like to transfer it to being a gui based interface/software


  • I do not know much about Robotics
  • I also do not know extensivly about 3d printing