GOTO - DualBrain/bsharp GitHub Wiki

To branch unconditionally out of the normal program sequence to a specified line number.


GOTO line number


line number is any valid line number within the program.

If line number is an executable statement, that statement and those following are executed. If it is a non-executable statement, execution proceeds at the first executable statement encountered after line number.


20   PRINT "R ="; R;
30   A = 3.14*R^2
40   PRINT "AREA ="; A
50 GOTO 10
60 DATA 5, 7, 12
 R = 5 AREA = 78.5
 R = 7 AREA = 153.86
 R = 12 AREA = 452.16
 Out of data in 10

The out of data advisory is generated when the program attempts to read a fourth DATA statement (which does not exist) in line 60.