Customizable Dialogue - Dsfan2/PsychEngineDS GitHub Wiki
The new, more customizable, dialogue system is reffered as "DS Dialogue" so I will be calling it that from now on.
Getting to the DS Dialogue Editor
Press 7 on the Main Menu to access the Master Editor Menu.
Then select Dialogue Editor.
Two sub-options should appear. "Default Dialogue" is the original Psych Engine dialogue. You'll need to instead select "DS Dialogue". Once you're in, this is what you should be seeing:
You'll notice that there are two main tabs, "Current Line" and "Dialogue File".
Editing the current line
There are six line options you can edit.
- Character: Is what is says, the character that appears on the current dialogue line. (Must be the same name as a Dialogue Character JSON file)
- Delay/Speed: Determines the rate as which the letters on the dialogue string appear at. (The speed won't show up in the editor, but it will appear when the dialogue JSON is executed.)
- Sound File Name: Determines the sound that the dialogue makes per letter.
- Text: The current line of dialogue, obviously.
- Box Animation: The name of the current animation for the dialogue box (DO NOT INCLUDE "open" OR "idle" IN IT, AS THE ENGINE WILL HANDLE THAT AUTOMATICALLY!)
- Disable Fade BG: Makes the Fade BG completely invisible for that line.
Editing the dialogue file variables
This is where the fun begins. There are 12 file variables you can edit.
- Box Skin: The path for the dialogue box sprites you can use for the dialogue file. (Don't include "images/" in this field, as the game itself handles that already!)
- Font: The name of the font file (including the extension) you want to use for your dialogue text.
- Color: The RGB Color value of the dialogue text.
- Size: The size value of the dialogue text.
- Drop Text: Causes text to have a sort of "Drop Shadow" effect when checked.
- Drop Text Color: The RGB color value of the Drop Text.
- Outline: If checked, the dialogue text will have an outline.
- Outline Color: The RGB color value of the outline for the dialogue text.
- Outline Size: Determines the size of the dialogue text's outline.
- Hand: If checked, a little hand sprite will appear on the bottom right corner of the dialogue box once the current text finishes typing out.
- Hand Skin: The path for the hand sprite you can use (Don't include "images/" in this field, as the game itself handles that already!)
- Click Sound: The sound that plays when you skip through the dialogue, or proceed to the next line.
Filling out some of these fields will require you to click on the "Reload Box" button in order for the changes to properly take effect in the Dialogue Editor. Clicking on the "Load Dialogue" button will allow you to load any dialogue JSON you wish. When you load a dialogue file made from the OG Psych Dialogue, it will still load as intended, but the Dialogue File variables will be reset to their default settings. Clicking on the "Save Dialogue" button will allow you to save the dialogue as a JSON file.
Starting your DS Dialogue
Starting your DS Dialogue is almost similar to starting Base Psych Dialogue. Except, there's one new function that's exclusively used to start the DS Dialogue. "startDSDialogue(dialogueFile:DialogueFileDS, ?song:String = null)" This will be explained further in the Lua Functions page. DS Dialogue also shares the Lua Functions "onNextDialogue()" and "onSkipDialogue()".