Custom Hud Skins - Dsfan2/PsychEngineDS GitHub Wiki
Various game hud elements have been redone to account for the game's more enhanced customizability. This page will explain how to add custom hud skins.
Note Skins
Adding Custom Note Skins in Psych Engine DS is nearly identical to how it worked in Base Psych Engine 0.7, but with a few minor differences. Note Skins are stored in the folder "noteSkins/" which can be found in the "images/" folder. The file names of the .png and .xml files are the exact same name as the skin name (e.g. Default). DO NOT INCLUDE "NOTE_assets-" IN THE NAMES OF THE NOTE SKIN FILES!
To add your Custom Note Skin to the mod, add the name of the Note Skin into a file called "list.txt". If that file doesn't exist in the "noteSkins/" folder, create the text file "list.txt" in the "noteSkins/" folder.
In the "noteSkins/" folder, you'll find two additional folders called "HURT/" & "EXTRA/" respectively. The "HURT/" folder is for if your custom note skin has it's own hurt note skin. (The file names have to be the same as the skin name as well.) If there isn't a custom hurt skin for your custom note skin, the game will handle that automatically thanks to the Note RGB system from Base Psych 0.7.
The "EXTRA/" folder is for if your custom note skin has it's own fifth note skin. (The file names have to be the same as the skin name as well.) If there isn't a custom fifth note skin for your custom note skin, the game will set the fifth note skin to it's Default skin.
If your Custom Note Skin also has pixel versions, add your pixel variants into the directory "pixelUI/noteSkins/" and name it the same thing as the non-pixel version. DO NOT INCLUDE "PIXEL" IN THE NAMES OF THE PIXEL NOTE SKIN FILES!
Note Splash Skins
Adding Custom Note Splash Skins in Psych Engine DS is nearly identical to how it worked in Base Psych Engine 0.7, but with differences similar to adding Custom Note Skins mentioned before. Note Splash Skins are stored in the folder "noteSplashes/" which can be found in the "images/ folder. The file names of the .png, .xml, and .txt files are the exact same name as the skin name (e.g. Default). DO NOT INCLUDE "noteSplashes-" IN THE NAMES OF THE NOTE SPLASH SKIN FILES!
To add your Custom Note Splash Skin to the mod, add the name of the Note Splash Skin into a file called "list.txt". If that file doesn't exist in the "noteSplashes/" folder, create the text file "list.txt" in the "noteSplashes/" folder.
Countdown, Rating, and Combo Skins
Custom Countdown, Rating, and Combo sprite skins is different from the "stageUI" variable from Base Psych Engine. All the folders for each of the Hud skins is stored in the "hudFolders/" folder. And their pixel variations are stored in the directory "pixelUI/hudFolders/". Your Custom Hud folder must be the same name of the Custom Hud Skin + "UI" (e.g. DefaultUI). All images in your Custom Hud folder must be:
- One for each of the four ratings (sick, good, bad, trash)
- A "combo" text sprite
- Each of the 10 combo numbers (num0, num1, num2...etc...num9)
- One of each of the countdown sprites (ready, set, go)
To add your Custom Hud Skin to the mod, add the name of the Hud Skin into a file called "list.txt". If that file doesn't exist in the "hudFolders/" folder, create the text file "list.txt" in the "hudFolders/" folder.
Health & Time Bar Skins
Adding custom health & time bars is different from Base Psych Engine. All Health & Time Bar Skins are stored in the "bars/" folder which can be found in the "images/" folder. Bar Skins have no pixel variants. Your Custom Bar Skins must have both a health bar and time bar versions, and the file names must end with the same name of the Custom Bar Skin (e.g. healthBar-Default, timeBar-Default). Health Bars must always have an width of 601, and Time Bars must always have a width of 400.
To add your Custom Bar Skin to the mod, add the name of the Bar Skin into a file called "list.txt". If that file doesn't exist in the "bars/" folder, create the text file "list.txt" in the "bars/" folder.
DS Border Skins
All DS-Filter Borders are stored in the "DS-Filters/" folder which can be found in the "images/" folder. DS Borders have no pixel variants. The file name Custom Border Image must be the same name as the Custom DS-Filter Border Skin (e.g. Simple). An example of what a DS Border should be can be found by just looking at one of the pre-existing DS Borders in the directory "assets/shared/images/DS-Filters/".
To add your Custom Border Skin to the mod, add the name of the Border Skin into a file called "list.txt". If that file doesn't exist in the "DS-Filters/" folder, create the text file "list.txt" in the "DS-Filters/" folder.