SpawnParticles - DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival GitHub Wiki


An effect modification is a persistent modifier that increases the duration or amplifier of a list of target effects. It also uses a Modification subtype to determine how to modify the duration or amplifier.


A position source is the data needed to position a particle effect.


    "type": [PositionSourceType]          // [Mandatory] || The type of the position source. Either "entity_position" (directly in the center of the entity) or "in_bounding_box" (spread out across the bounding box of the entity randomly)
    "offset": [number]                    // [Mandatory] || How much to offset the position by (on all axes)
    "scale": [number]                     // [Optional]  || How much to scale the positioning of the particle when using "in_bounding_box"


A velocity source is the data needed to determine the velocity of a particle.


    "movement_scale": [number]          // [Mandatory] || How much to factor in the movement of the target
    "base": [number]                    // [Mandatory] || The base speed of the particle (sampled in a random range)


    "particle": [ParticleType]                         // [Mandatory] || The type of particle to spawn
    "horizontal_position": [PositionSource]            // [Mandatory] || The horizontal position of the particle relative to the target
    "vertical_position": [PositionSource]              // [Mandatory] || The vertical position of the particle relative to the target
    "horizontal_velocity": [VelocitySource]            // [Mandatory] || The horizontal velocity of the particle
    "vertical_velocity": [VelocitySource]              // [Mandatory] || The vertical velocity of the particle
    "speed": [number]                                  // [Mandatory] || The speed of the particle


This is an example of spawning particles around the player for the soul revelation ability.

              "effect_type": "dragonsurvival:particle",
              "particle_count": 20.0,
              "particle_data": {
                "horizontal_position": {
                  "type": "in_bounding_box"
                "horizontal_velocity": {
                  "base": 0.05
                "particle": {
                  "type": "minecraft:soul"
                "speed": 0.05,
                "vertical_position": {
                  "type": "in_bounding_box"
                "vertical_velocity": {
                  "base": 0.05