DragonBody - DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival GitHub Wiki
A dragon body represents the data for a dragon body type. It determines the visual look of the dragon (including the option for custom emotes, animations, and even models), as well as a few gameplay properties.
Dragon bodies are part of the data pack directory structure, highlighted below:
datapack name.zip ├──
pack.mcmeta ├──
data ├──
namespace ├──
dragonsurvival ├──
dragon_bodies ├──
This object is used by the following objects:
The object references the following objects:
An offset and scale to determine where to mount a player on this body type. The scale is multiplied by the bounding box extents of the dragon.
"offset": [Vec3] // [Optional] || The offset to apply to the rider (defaults to zero).
"scale": [Vec3] // [Optional] || The scaled offset (by the mount's bounding box) to apply to the rider (defaults to zero).
Values to determine how a dragon's hitbox is determined.
"width": [number] // [Mandatory] || The width of the hitbox.
"height": [number] // [Mandatory] || The height of the hitbox.
"eye_height": [number] // [Mandatory] || The eye height of the player.
"offset": [number] // [Mandatory] || The offset of the model from the hitbox opposite to the player's look direction. A value of 1 means to offset the model by a distance equal to its scale.
"is_default": [boolean] // [Optional] || Whether this body type will be added to dragon species that have no defined body types. Defaults to false.
"modifiers": [Modifier] // [Mandatory] || List of modifiers to apply for this body type.
"can_hide_wings": [bool] // [Optional] || Whether this body type has hide-able wings. Defaults to true.
"model": [ResourceLocation] // [Optional] || The location of the custom model to use. Defaults to "geo/dragon_model.geo.json".
"animation": [ResourceLocation] // [Required] || The location of the animation file to use.
"bones_to_hide_for_toggle": [string] // [Optional] || The names of the bones to hide when toggling wings. Defaults to ["WingLeft", "WingRight, "SmallWingLeft", "SmallWingRight"]
"emotes": [DragonEmoteSet] // [Mandatory] || The list of emotes for this dragon body type to use.
"scaling_proportions": [ScalingProportions] // [Mandatory] || The proportions for the hitbox for this body type.
"crouch_height_ratio": [number] // [Mandatory] || The change in height when the dragon crouches.
"mounting_offset": [MountingOffsets] // [Optional] || The offsets for players trying to mount this body type. If not specified, this body type cannot be mounted.
"default_icon": [ResourceLocation] // [Optional] || The default icon to show for this dragon type, if any.